Dear Bodie,
You are 5!

You are such a sweet and loving boy. Your dad says "Bodie loves life" and you really do. You love being outside and riding your bike! I took this picture on the first warm enough day this year to bring the bikes out and you were so happy.
I love our mornings together. We play at home, go have breakfast together, go to the library or swing at the park. You usually ask to play the ipad =). Your smile always brightens my morning!

You love your daddy. You love wrestling and playing around. You love to snuggle. You two are so cute together.

You are creative and like making art and pictures. You love school! You love doing workbooks and practicing your writing and math. You are one smart cookie! Izzy is trying to teach you some words to read. You say you are excited and ready to start kindergarten!

Your favorite animal is a cat. You love playing cats with izzy and wearing a cat face. =)
You find the heat vents to warm up by in the morning. I used to do the same thing when I was little and cold in the mornings! Looking so cute here...
You get so many compliments on your hair. =) Your best buddie is Bryn. You guys have such fun playing together and usually see each other several times a week plus at school. You like playing cats, cars, and Legos together. Watching you two play is so funny. Lots of "poopy" jokes. =) You are a good friend and continue to be a social butterfly! So outgoing and friendly. You make people smile!
Izzy made you a birthday crown. You love your sister and are so happy when she plays with you.
Did I mention you make me smile?

You love ice cream and treats. And ask for them often =) You are a super eater tho and like a range of veggies and fruits too.
I love our walks and rides to school together. This day we laughed when we saw a bush that matched your hair! =)
You love taking things apart and using tools. When you were littler I remember you taking apart picture frames in your room and one day recently you were taking apart the light switches!
You love swimming and are taking lessons to learn. Bath time is sometimes fun but you would rather pass and play and read books if you could choose.
My sweet cuddle bug. Always my baby you will be.
On your birthday izzy helped decorate the night before. We hid your presents around the house and izzy made a treasure map for you! I can't believe you are 5!

Izzy helped you look around to find your gifts!
Found one in the bathroom! And one in the fridge!
Opening your gifts...
Time to play!!
We made a cat cake for your birthday and iz helped design and decorate.
On your birthday we assigned you as kind of the day. you got to choose what we did and it was super fun! We went to lunch at daisy cafe. You had chicken strips and a free chocolate cupcake!
We went to the library and had some screen time there because it was a special day. You really liked that!

Then we went bowling! Super fun! You had a good time!

Family fun day! Smiles all around!
We sang you happy birthday and ended our fun and celebratory day. Happy birthday love! Here's to a fun and fantastic 5th year! We love you so so much. Keep on smiling!

We continued our celebration the following weekend with bodie's birthday party and friends from school. It was small but fun. Iz did face painting and we had a shark pinata. Smiles all around! Happy birthday bo man!
A few pictures from his party...

So blessed and thankful for these times together. Memories to cherish forever.
And a few baby bodie pics....
what a pumpkin. xoxoxo