Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the biz is 16 months!

Sorry I've been so bad about posting pictures! Our computer is not working, so I'm doing some posting at work and it is amazing how fast and easy it is! Anyway here are a few pics from the last months. I can't believe iz is 16 months! She just had her dr. check up and is doing great. She is 25+ pounds and 32+ inches long. She is saying so many words and imitaing us too. It is so fun to see her personality coming out. She loves outside, going to the park, swinging and going down the slide. She is climbing onto everything! She loves to play with her babies and pretend to feed them, change diapers, put them to sleep- "nite nite" she says. She is sleeping through the nite (thank the Lord!) and takes one good nap a day (usually). She is independent and social and likes to be around other kids and people. She loves being with our friends and has 2 good friends, Aaron (who she calls Anna, his mom's name) and Tyler (who she calls ty ty) -our nanny share family's little boy. She started saying 2 words together (go outside, bye daddy), still loves olives (especially eating them off her fingers), and washclothes in her bath. We are getting very excited for our new baby, and trust that everything will continue to go well with the pregnancy. Iz has learned that there is a baby in my tummy, but I think the concept is still foreign (which makes total sense!). We are really looking forward to the holidays and more fun with the biz! Love to all our friends and family!


eaddies said...

Wonderful pics,Love your shoes Iz--great pics with Mom and sweet...So happy you are sleeping thro the night..!!!So happy you are healthy!!! I love the pics with Elvis..xxooo Can't wait to play dolls,tea party and color with,gmaz....sending hugssss and kissesss

eaddies said...

Love your ponytails Iz,and I love that tshirt!!!!!!!!! From your Moms' doc!!! lovlove,gmaz

Melanie said...

nice, the long bangs are totally in right now - rockin 'em Iz!

eaddies said...

Your hair is so pretty to you all xxooo maz,gmaz

mamanicky said...

AWWWWWW.....she's so sweet. I'm sending a long distance snuggle. Love the Dr. Caskie shirt. Hope you guys are having a good December. Surviving the cold, brrrrr. Loves :) Nic and crew