Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Year in St. Paul!

We were so lucky to be able to go see my sister and chris for New Years. We had so much fun, thank you mel and chris for all the fabulous food, your so comfy bed, putting up with our craziness, and all the fun times!! We miss you!

Our trip to St. Paul involved two plane rides, both ways the kids did very well.

Bodie's first plane ride!

iz watched videos and colored, it helped to have her own seat. On the first plane ride she kept saying, "we're flying" even before we left the runway- she really enjoyed it.

the waiting at the airport and the security lines were another story...

bodes slept much of the first flight, love this pic

he loved crawling around the airport...

and then finally we arrived at aunt mel and uncle chris's happy!

iz instantly spotted the gifts...thanks so much for everything, you guys are so generous!

both bodes and iz loved oscar and tobie!

(sorry for all those tail pulls!)

I was very happy to have time together with my sister, target runs, coffee, puzzle doing, cooking, even cross-fit =)

Mel did alot of playing with biz and bodes, thanks Mel!

I know they both had such a great time.
bodes loved his new blocks!

brother-in-law bonding
pony ride at the mall

giant sandwhich anyone?

Children's Museum

the water room... a favorite!
where did mel go?
much needed sister time!
Movies and Slurpees!

thanks for the movie and treats mel!

Puffy coats. =)

Love you mel, thanks so much for the hospitality and good food! I love you!

last but not least...hop skip pickle!

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Melanie said...

These are great pics! Had so much fun with you all. Thanks for making the effort to come out - we know it wasn't easy but much appreciated. Miss you all :)

eaddies said...

OH I love these pics.....what a great visit....nice looking blue couch too....It looks like you had so much fun......Thanks so much for posting....

eaddies said...


eaddies said...

Good job on the horse IZZY!!!!! xxoooo luv you