Friday, May 13, 2011

Bodie, 14 months

My sweet boy, gosh it just gets better and better (plus crazier and crazier) :)

Stats: 31 lbs

Temperament: so happy but starting to have an opinion about things :)

Speech: starting to follow some directions- goes to get shoes when asked ( or when wants to go outside), where's your paci,?signs toothbrush, bird, hat, eat, fish, water, more, knows his hair, words- mama, dada, da for dog and woof woof, boon for balloon, pop ( for bubbles) d for down, boo ( peek a boo), uh oh!

Food preferences: loves pretty much anything! Current fav, little tangerines and fruit snacks, noodles

Fork, spoon, open cup, check!

Activity preferences: climbing... Anything!

Loved the beach! Loves outside!

And...strong arming barriers,

I laugh at your feeble attempt at a kitchen block,

Love the park and love love water!

Aw bodes, loved our date on mothers day to the coffee shop and park. You are growing up... Which is happy and sad...i love u as a baby- your chubby cheeks, babbling, fat fingers (ok everything chubby) :), snuggle hugs, your screeching while you chase iz, your smiles to new people at park, store, anywhere! ... but I love seeing you explore new things- and get excited when you see what you can do as a big boy :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

eaddies said...

HAHA the tp pic and kitchen block hahahahhahahah!!!!!