Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bodes, 18 months

I've enjoyed some time with bodes when iz is at preschool. I love that on one of the first most perfect fall days bodes and I spent an hour outside and he was perfectly happy playing in a dirt pile, looking at a backhoe, and playing with a tennis ball he found ;) so happy. Love this boy.

At 18 months you are... Wild!;)
Fun, energetic, live to explore, "run", tackle, climb. You love dogs and will run after them, and make a "licking" sound with your tongue- you love to play outside, throw fits to show your frustration when you don't get your way! You love all kinds of snacks and still like to try new foods. You love wrestling with your daddy, and get so excited when you see him. You love books, dancing, and still your paci ;). You are labeling words and like to feed yourself. You like to go "pee pee" ( read sit on potty and pull off toilet paper). You go to sleep well ( knock on wood) and are so cute when I come to get you. I love watching you waddle around and explore the world. You love to play in the backyard and chase after the cats. You get ridiculously excited to see squirrels, wish I could bottle up that "eeehhh" and smile you have. Priceless.

Love you bodes!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

eaddies said...

Oh how dear....Bodes you are so much fun to watch you grow up so fast....I love you...Lovehugs,Gmaz xxxooo