Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Birthday

Did I have a good birthday? heck ya!

Hello 32!

Exhibit A: Bike ride with Bodes
photography, really? that has to be your hobbby?

Exhibit B: Hello, Lunch!
Goodman Community Center

Exhibit C: Cupcakes! (thanks mel!)

bottom right coconut cupcake = fav!

Exhibit D: Dinner surprise, time with my family (in person and via phone), and feeling loved with cards and gifts. Thank you all for the wonderful day! 

camera related gifts!

g coming through with dinner surprise
healthy happy iz, gift #1
healthy happy smiling bodes, gift #2

graham with kitty face painting by izzy
thanks for a great birthday babe

impossible to get good photo of mom with 2 toddlers, =)
hooray for phone and internet=staying close with family and friends
Year we go!

1 comment:

eaddies said...

Another great write up!!!!!! what a fun day........and you look like you are sweet 16!! xxooo