Friday, December 21, 2012


We have enjoyed a few weeks of mostly down time while g has been out of town. I finished up with work and had a great 12 week program. I will miss the work greatly, and hope to look for something to add to my plate to keep my professional self active soon. I have been challenged as a stay at home mom in ways I never imagined. Patience, teaching, helping children grown and learn, sibling relationships, setting limits, letting go, and the list goes on....  As izzy says when she thinks of something throughout the day she'd like for Christmas, "Dear Santa, please bring me a hello kitty snowglobe. Thank you. love, izzy" haha. so cute. So- Dear Santa, please bring me more patience! =) 
Here are a few random pics of my babes. How I love these two beyond words.

a giant apple!

izzy showing bodie the hand motions to her songs from school-
 after getting a gift from her teacher of a CD with all her school songs

picture izzy made for me - I guess there is hope for their relationship...=)


checking out the blizzard snow

fun! for a few minutes anyway...

bodies "don't take pictures" face

izzy in her old penguin pjs

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