Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Almost 5!

Today I emailed some of Izzy's friends to ask about a good date for her 5th birthday. Her 5th! 
I think just like all parents everywhere say....How could 5 years have gone so fast?
I want to freeze time so I can remember her at all the different ages and feel like I'm constantly telling myself "enjoy this moment" because change is constant just like the passing of time.
It's easy to feel sad about how fast they grow up, and looking at her pictures helps me remember how many wonderful things we've done together and reminds me that we have been enjoying all the months and years together. 
 I'm so lucky to have my healthy and spirited Izzy.

As the grow up past toddlerhood it seems like documenting their growth and development slows. Although I don't want this to be the case as I'd love to be able to read about what the kids were like many years from now. I think reflecting on what they are like at a particular time and looking at the pictures and experiences you have together brings those good feelings back. The hardships of that time are diminished and the joys and blessings shine through. Who wouldn't want that? 

At almost 5 Izzy you are still your beautiful spirited self. 
You love to be independent and can get ready for school on your own. 
You recently learned how to tie your shoes! You also learned how to whistle. =)
You like looking for 4 leaf clovers and one day found 5 in just a few minutes! You remembered looking for clovers with Gpaz last year and wanted to save them to show him when they came to visit.

You love to play outside and ride your bike. We recently went to an event in Madison called "ride the drive" and you went all on your own bike the whole way! You even rode up the big hill to the capital. You beamed when adults rode by and complimented you on how good of a job you were doing. We were very proud of you.
 You have some best friends at school- Lulu, Juna and Freya and when they come over you usually can spend hours playing together with your toys (pollywagalina is a fav with Freya) or running around together at the park. I love to hear your creativity and negotiation with your friends. You usually like to be in charge. Talking about your feelings is hard, as is apologizing for wrong doings. We are working on helping you feel like these are doable tasks. You do wonderful in school and said you have a "boyfriend" (yikes!) in your class named Ryder. You said you are twins cause you like all the same things =). You seem excited to start Kindergarten.
 You still love to do art, and are learning how to spell some short words (cat, dog, etc). You can read some words on signs, (stop, exit, go) books, etc. and it's fun to see you learn these skills. You love books and reading together is one of my favorites. We love our library trips! You also love to listen to books on cd, and turn the pages along with the words. You recently taught bodie how to draw a person, cat and dog on a road trip back home from st. paul and it was so cute to listen to. You got frustrated when he didn't do exactly what you wanted, lol, but it was so cool to watch the interaction between you both. When you play together and get along with each other, give hugs and kisses, work together- my heart is so happy.

 You still love your favorite toy bun bun, and have added bunny bunny to your favorites. You got her at Build a Bear workshop with graham on a daughter daddy date. You still like to come in and snuggle with us during the night, and usually bun bun, bunny bunny and stubbs come along with you. Your food preferences continue. Carrots and green apples are your solo veggie and fruit choice. You love carbs and desserts - sorry iz got that from your momma. =)
 I love going to the park with you and you love when we play monster chase and I give you underdogs on the swings.  Those days I just want to sit on the bench and watch you I forget just how good it feels to get up and play with you. When I do, I break into a smile and feel that "life is good" feeling.  Thanks for reminding me to enjoy the little things.
 You love flowers and are always asking to pick flowers and plant flowers at our house. We are excited to move in a few months and plant some of our own plants and flowers! You are excited to have your own room and have requested that we paint it pink. I think we will start with some pink accents =).
 Iz you've shown me a new level to love. Your face makes me want to squeeze and hug you and never let go. I love our times together and I'm so glad I'm your mommy. Thanks for teaching me to slow down and enjoy the little things. Sorry it takes us grown ups so much time to remember that. I can't wait to see you continue to grow and be there right alongside you. I love you so much my iz.

1 comment:

eaddies said...

Super great the four-leaf clovers! Izzy what a great girl you are!!! And Shell and G what great parents!!!! xxoooo