Tuesday, August 28, 2007

just for laughs

I'm a blogger out of control! Thought these pics of graham and I in our Halloween costumes from last year would put a smile on your face.

my favorite pics

After attending graham's cousin's wedding a few weekends ago (sorry our camera batteries died so I don't have pics)- I was reminiscing about our wedding and how great it was to see everyone and celebrate together. I thought I'd publish some of my favorite pics from the day taken by our amazing friend/photographer Andrew.

Monday, August 27, 2007


I guess before you have kids you blog about your animals! I love this pic of elvis...just soaking up the great outdoors. Our neighbors call him the friendly neighborhood cat. Just the social butterfly!

the tourist who fell

A few weekends ago graham's friend Robbie was visiting from Colorado. We decided to go do some sightseeing despite the 90 degree plus weather. We had a great time and it was nice to have an excuse to go see some of the memorials that we hadn't seen up close and personal. On our way down from the Lincoln memorial (think huge marble steps) you could see a tourist suddenly slip and fall down around 3-4 stairs. Graham said he could hear it and it sounded painful. Oh...that tourist was me! How embarrassing and painful. I had to sit on a bench for a few moments to compose myself after 2 huge bumps emerged on my arms. ouch! If anyone wants to come visit, I'll be siting that one out in the future.

our cockroach killer

Since living on the east coast we've been introduced to sharing a few moments in our home with bugs...uck...and the worst--a few cockroaches! Luckily our cat stubbs has a keen eye and ear for them and bats them around until they are dead-then feasting on selective parts. I've seen 2 that he's demolished so far. Let's hope he keeps up the good work! Doesn't look like much of a killer does he?

the basil plant

The first weekend after moving to DC we went to the local farmer's market together and I was really excited to buy a small basil plant- in hopes of having fresh herbs for cooking. When we arrived home I planted it in one of the planter boxes that was hanging out uninhabited in our backyard. A day later it wasn't looking good and the following day I noticed the planter box had fallen over and was laying face down on the ground. Yelling to graham that I had no luck at growing plants and cursing my lack of green thumbness...he trotted over saying that he would nurse it back to health and bragging that his mom and dad met at a nursery so he had it in his blood. Well I scoffed then....but he was right!! Check out the basil!

Slacker blogger

Wow... I've been neglecting our blog spot lately. After a scolding from my sister-in-law, I'm back! Found these questions on a comment from Nicki (the expert, most creative and consistent blogger) and thought I'd answer them... finally.

1-If you had an extra 3 hours a day what would you spend it on?
I would spend the first extra hour sleeping in and snuggling with graham! Second, I would spend an hour reading books on play therapy and drinking a cup of tea and shortbread. Third, I would add an extra hour at the end of the night to hang out and do fun things... go out to dinner, eat ice cream, watch an extra hour of bad reality tv, talk on the phone to my family, yoga, ...relax!

2-What's the one thing that's changed you the most with getting hitched (don't say nothing's changed, that's a load)?
Hmmm.....good question! I would say I think about what kind of family I want to have more and I'm also more relaxed and trusting. Also I worry more about my hubby (big shocker).

3-If you were given $10,000 and had to spend it on travel, where would you go?
I'd love to backpack around Europe with graham. I wouldn't need a travel guidebook because I'm sure he would be able to tell me about everything including dates and important people, and how the buildings were made...etc. I'd also love to go to Hawaii, Alaska, and Latin America.

4-What's your favorite restaurant? What's your favorite meal?
My favorite restaurant is Bepe and Gianni's in Eugene, Oregon. It is an Italian restaurant. Yum-O as Rachel Ray would say! I love the garlic/cheese/bread appetizer there and any pasta dish with cheesecake and a coffee for dessert. My mouth is watering.

5-What will your life be like in 10 years?
I hope to have kids and be a therapist in private practice working with kids, couples, and families-living in Portland closer to my parents and sister. I hope that graham and I will be as happy as we are now and still have fun and laugh together. I would love to be more confident, have great friends in a book club, and be able to live in the moment. I would also love to work with therapy students doing clinical supervision.

Okay ...there it is!