Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bodie, 10 months!

10 month stats
28 lbs, 31 1/2 inches long
likes: crawling up the stairs, going after whatever his sister is playing with, playing with the cat food and cat water, blocks, music, flap books, standing up in the bath =)
fav. food: apples, yogurt, cheerios, noodles
sleep: naps-questionnable, night-usually up 1x
speech: mama, dada, "m" for more, "gee" for gentle (when we say gentle with petting the cats,=)) signs all done, yes- he undestands so much! (i.e.kick out game, go upstairs, no no, eat, milk, etc.)
motor: pulls up, cruising, starting to stand on his own for a bit, took one step, crawling everywhere!
- pulling socks off, can feed himself messy with spoon, drinks from straw cup, finger foods
1st juice box, =)
push toy!

ring stacker from grandma

peek a boo, bo bo

bang bang

1st Christmas
still our smiley guy!

he loves this ball toy, a favorite after bath time.
my love bug!

cutie pie, love you!

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New Year in St. Paul!

We were so lucky to be able to go see my sister and chris for New Years. We had so much fun, thank you mel and chris for all the fabulous food, your so comfy bed, putting up with our craziness, and all the fun times!! We miss you!

Our trip to St. Paul involved two plane rides, both ways the kids did very well.

Bodie's first plane ride!

iz watched videos and colored, it helped to have her own seat. On the first plane ride she kept saying, "we're flying" even before we left the runway- she really enjoyed it.

the waiting at the airport and the security lines were another story...

bodes slept much of the first flight, love this pic

he loved crawling around the airport...

and then finally we arrived at aunt mel and uncle chris's happy!

iz instantly spotted the gifts...thanks so much for everything, you guys are so generous!

both bodes and iz loved oscar and tobie!

(sorry for all those tail pulls!)

I was very happy to have time together with my sister, target runs, coffee, puzzle doing, cooking, even cross-fit =)

Mel did alot of playing with biz and bodes, thanks Mel!

I know they both had such a great time.
bodes loved his new blocks!

brother-in-law bonding
pony ride at the mall

giant sandwhich anyone?

Children's Museum

the water room... a favorite!
where did mel go?
much needed sister time!
Movies and Slurpees!

thanks for the movie and treats mel!

Puffy coats. =)

Love you mel, thanks so much for the hospitality and good food! I love you!

last but not least...hop skip pickle!

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Nana and Papa gifts- thank you!

Graham's mom and Rick sent a huge box that arrived a few days after Christmas, which was a wonderful surprise! Thank you for all the thoughtful gifts, we love and miss you!
the box arrives!!

Thank you, we miss you!
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G & G Ayres Gifts- thank you!

Thanks mom and dad for the amazing gifts! We really appreciate your efforts to stay involved in our lives, even though we are so far away. We love you!

after naps, refreshed and ready to open!

star stacker, a hit!

love it!!

gummy bear mouth...grandma knows what she likes!

show me the bear!
We miss you, thank you so much!

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