Monday, July 8, 2013

Our first camping trip

We just returned from our first camping trip at point beach state park on Lake Michigan! Wow what an awesome time! I was going phone-less/device less for the weekend to get a break but realized then I didn't bring a camera for pictures. ;( I snapped a few with the iPad right before leaving after we packed things up. I'm sad not to have pictures but it was an amazing time with the family. And went so fast! Gonna make some notes here so we can look back and remember when my memory is even worse than it is now ;-)
Here's our campsite right before we left (our stuff is on top of some bushes in the sunshine to dry)

When we arrived we set up camp, and graham made some Mac and cheese on his new Coleman mini stove- (he was excited to try it out!;)) then we got some firewood and headed straight out to the beach. The kids were dying to get to the beach! Point beach is a beautiful place and reminds us some of the Oregon coast ;) the kids played in the sand and liked to find big holes other kids had made and fill them with rocks. Then there was the jumping off the dunes and rolling around in the sand...(insert adorable picture of kids having a blast with huge smiles here). For some reason there were small dead fish along the water line so the kids werent too excited about playing in the water. They werent there when we came a few months ago and according to some folks we talked to its a natural occurrence yearly. i made a note to myself to wiki that later... We set out back to our camp site and started a fire. Wet firewood made it smoky to start but we made a camp approved dinner of hot dog and s'mores. ;-)
We tumbled into the tent together and the kids did great! A beautiful perfect weather night too. The next morning graham made us a big breakfast and we noticed some paw prints from an animal that had gotten into a bag of chips. Izzy was super excited and started making some animal pictures for a journal. She got really into it and we started planning how we would get more prints the following night. We spent the day at the beach, walking some (at a snails pace due to kids) on the trails and finding the campsite kids play area. Izzy has learned to do the monkey bars so she had to master those and bodie played on the slide and play structure. I watched and continued to apply bug spray to myself continually ;-). We got some ice cream cones at the concession stand during some small passing rain clouds and then all took showers before our second campfire dinner. The kids did super well most of the time playing together, in the tent, with their stuffed animals or diggers, or chasing each other around the camp site. I loved seeing then play well, come up with games together, and even hold hands on our walk down to he beach. The second night after our campfire we walked on the beach together- one of my favorite times. Bodie and I chased waves and graham ran and chased seagulls. The sun was setting and the sky was amazing (insert amazing sky photo with water and blowing grass in the wind here, and another of graham holding the kids and chasing seagulls on the sand). It was a picturesque night. We had a campfire and then put the kids to bed. Graham and I stayed up together and hung out around the campfire smacking Mosquitos and chatting. We also set out some cookies and a hopefully plan to get some more footprints from the critters for izzy and bodie to see.
We we to bed and shortly after heard some raccoons so we sat up and watched them- super excited for our "plan" to have worked. Unfortunately we woke up to a rain and thunder storm this morning! So the potential footprints were gone, but we did enjoy some little chocolate donuts in the tent together while we tried to wait out be rain. It wasn't letting up and we weren't prepared (all of our stuff was pretty much out in the rain) so we drove a few miles into town for breakfast. Luckily the sun came out briefly so we headed back to cleanup and pack up while the kids played. We stopped at another beach on our way home -made a castle and played in the water some there!- before we were chased home by another chunk of rain.
A large coffee and a few hours later and we made it home! What a wonderful and memorable weekend. Next time- definitely taking pictures. It was amazing to be out in nature in a beautiful place. And enjoying the times the kids really did get along well and watching them enjoy the beach as much as I do. Those laughs and smiles won't be forgotten.
Already trying to plan our next camping trip...;-)
Here's a picture (from the web)of what the beach looks like!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Almost 5!

Today I emailed some of Izzy's friends to ask about a good date for her 5th birthday. Her 5th! 
I think just like all parents everywhere say....How could 5 years have gone so fast?
I want to freeze time so I can remember her at all the different ages and feel like I'm constantly telling myself "enjoy this moment" because change is constant just like the passing of time.
It's easy to feel sad about how fast they grow up, and looking at her pictures helps me remember how many wonderful things we've done together and reminds me that we have been enjoying all the months and years together. 
 I'm so lucky to have my healthy and spirited Izzy.

As the grow up past toddlerhood it seems like documenting their growth and development slows. Although I don't want this to be the case as I'd love to be able to read about what the kids were like many years from now. I think reflecting on what they are like at a particular time and looking at the pictures and experiences you have together brings those good feelings back. The hardships of that time are diminished and the joys and blessings shine through. Who wouldn't want that? 

At almost 5 Izzy you are still your beautiful spirited self. 
You love to be independent and can get ready for school on your own. 
You recently learned how to tie your shoes! You also learned how to whistle. =)
You like looking for 4 leaf clovers and one day found 5 in just a few minutes! You remembered looking for clovers with Gpaz last year and wanted to save them to show him when they came to visit.

You love to play outside and ride your bike. We recently went to an event in Madison called "ride the drive" and you went all on your own bike the whole way! You even rode up the big hill to the capital. You beamed when adults rode by and complimented you on how good of a job you were doing. We were very proud of you.
 You have some best friends at school- Lulu, Juna and Freya and when they come over you usually can spend hours playing together with your toys (pollywagalina is a fav with Freya) or running around together at the park. I love to hear your creativity and negotiation with your friends. You usually like to be in charge. Talking about your feelings is hard, as is apologizing for wrong doings. We are working on helping you feel like these are doable tasks. You do wonderful in school and said you have a "boyfriend" (yikes!) in your class named Ryder. You said you are twins cause you like all the same things =). You seem excited to start Kindergarten.
 You still love to do art, and are learning how to spell some short words (cat, dog, etc). You can read some words on signs, (stop, exit, go) books, etc. and it's fun to see you learn these skills. You love books and reading together is one of my favorites. We love our library trips! You also love to listen to books on cd, and turn the pages along with the words. You recently taught bodie how to draw a person, cat and dog on a road trip back home from st. paul and it was so cute to listen to. You got frustrated when he didn't do exactly what you wanted, lol, but it was so cool to watch the interaction between you both. When you play together and get along with each other, give hugs and kisses, work together- my heart is so happy.

 You still love your favorite toy bun bun, and have added bunny bunny to your favorites. You got her at Build a Bear workshop with graham on a daughter daddy date. You still like to come in and snuggle with us during the night, and usually bun bun, bunny bunny and stubbs come along with you. Your food preferences continue. Carrots and green apples are your solo veggie and fruit choice. You love carbs and desserts - sorry iz got that from your momma. =)
 I love going to the park with you and you love when we play monster chase and I give you underdogs on the swings.  Those days I just want to sit on the bench and watch you I forget just how good it feels to get up and play with you. When I do, I break into a smile and feel that "life is good" feeling.  Thanks for reminding me to enjoy the little things.
 You love flowers and are always asking to pick flowers and plant flowers at our house. We are excited to move in a few months and plant some of our own plants and flowers! You are excited to have your own room and have requested that we paint it pink. I think we will start with some pink accents =).
 Iz you've shown me a new level to love. Your face makes me want to squeeze and hug you and never let go. I love our times together and I'm so glad I'm your mommy. Thanks for teaching me to slow down and enjoy the little things. Sorry it takes us grown ups so much time to remember that. I can't wait to see you continue to grow and be there right alongside you. I love you so much my iz.

Izzy turns 5 -Birthday Extravaganza!

Our baby turned 5 today! Happy Birthday Izzy!! We love you so much.
We had a birthday party for her on Sunday and today had another small celebration with just the family. We have a ton of photos, so I'll post lots =).  We were hoping to go to fireworks tonight, but everyone was super tired after the last few days of preparation and partying. Here's the birthday celebration in pictures...

Sunday we invited some friends and had a bbq in our backyard. It was a beautiful sunny day, the perfect temperature, and we enjoyed good food and good company.
iz at her backyard bbq party

pink flowers for our pink girl
Izzy had her best friends over for the party, and she had planned to play dress up with them, so she was happy when they agreed. Her besties share her wild and energetic spirit, and they enjoyed running around together and at the end of the party we found them all dancing and jumping on izzy's bed in their undies. It was too cute. We parents figured it may be the last year where that is something they would think of doing, or would be acceptable, so we laughed while they went wild.

friends playing dress up.
izzy got a princess costume for her birthday which she had
wanted for a long time. She wore it and slept in it for 2 days straight!

girls running and dads chatting

say cheese girls!

more cheese

my bobo cutie pie with the best "cheese" smile ever!

rainbow cake! that thing weighed a ton! and was super yummy!
 It was so windy out that when we tried to light the candles they would immediately blow out. Love the picture below that shows 4 adults trying to get the 5 candles lit at the same time so that izzy could blow them out. Gotta love our friends that realize how important it is to have those candles lit! =)

love her face here, looking at the cake

Make a wish and blow iz, blow!
 Love watching the relationship develop between graham and izzy. They love to try new things together, and graham has the touch with knowing how much to push and how to talk with her to encourage without pushing. Love hearing about their "knock knock joke nights" and park adventures when I come home from work nights. She loves her daddy.

Bodie was great during birthday preparations, and picked out these purple princess shoes and purple necklace for iz as we were out party supply shopping.
the princess at her party!

And then onto pictures from her actual birthday, today! =)

As usual I try to carry on my mom's tradition to decorate some of the house after bedtime so that she could wake up to a fun birthday surprise. Trying to think of new decorating ideas each year is fun, and the night before I enjoy the preparations and have made graham the official balloon blower-upper.=) Iz requested pink and purple colors again this year!

presents in the play area, with crepe paper to bust through

a balloon path from her room to the play area and presents

happy birthday sign with a picture of izzy on her 0-4 birthdays!

relaxing after the decorations are done while g takes some pics!
 And then the birthday morning....Izzy officially turned 5 years old!!!
Here she was last year on her 4th birthday!

 and the day she turned 3 (oh my goodness she looks so little to me!)
 and her 2nd birthday!
 and look at her on her 1st birthday! ha, so cute

and now...Such a big and beautiful girl. She has matured so much this year. She is independent, spirited, kind, determined, smart, and creative. I love watching her grow. You teach me so much iz, I love you!
love that she puts up with all the pictures. such a sweet smile

Iz Bo

and she's 5!
 Iz opened some of her presents in the morning and some after cake in the evening.  We are so appreciative of our family who sent many generous presents and cards- thank you all. Bodie got one "jealousy gift" and that helped a lot. It's hard to be the sibling of the special birthday one! We let Izzy be princess for the day and she enjoyed making decisions about what to do and where to eat. We had lucky charms for breakfast (my tradition of buying a box of lucky charms 1x year on their birthdays), pancakes for lunch, and went to Ella's Deli for dinner (grilled cheese and fries, with free birthday sundae). We went to St. Vinnie's where they each picked out a stuffed animal (for 40 cents, gotta love the thrift store) and then Iz had a fashion show at home while I made the birthday cake. She chose Ella's Deli which is a place by our house we had not been before which has a big carousel out front. It was very "busy" inside with toys flying along the celling and displays everywhere, but the kids had fun and Izzy said it was her favorite part of the day.

opening presents in the morning

bodie getting excited to see what it is!

opening gifts from aunt mel and uncle c

super excited about her locket with her picture inside. thanks mel!!

so happy about her izzy's shirt!

opening her cards

new clothes!

my favorite- an adorable new hippo night light

new birthday outfit with her locket. A very happy little girl

perks of the birthday for everyone - lucky charms breakfast!

happy birthday breakfast

playing with the new toys- so much fun!

vet dress up kit doubles as a dr. kit.
bodie is wondering what the outlook for his health is here... =)
 We did some roller skating outside and iz wore her new skates while bodie used a pair we had gotten from our wonderful neighbor in Virginia. She was pretty good at shuffling around and staying upright- I was impressed!

 After we got back from lunch, fashion show time with her new outfits. We had the music going and she did poses and danced. It was hilarious and so super cute. Here are a few pictures from her "fashion show".

 Bodie wanted in on the action. He showed off his new robot building toy. love you bobo.

getting crazy with her moves =)

strike a pose
 Iz said she wanted a bunny cake this year, and helped me figure out how to make one by drawing me a picture. Pink cake with cool whip (super short cut and less sugary!) frosting. It was perfect for a second birthday cake, that's for sure!
 Opened a few presents after dinner, the ukulele from Gpaz was the big hit. She was so super excited (as was graham and bodie). Can't wait to try out learning some songs together.

Graham helps on the camera during cake preparation time- thanks babe.
you know how I love your photos.

I try to convince everyone to take a family photo on birthdays. That way we would be guaranteed to have 4 photos of all of us each year. No one is thrilled when I request it =), but I'm always so glad to have them.    Loved this photo of the gang while I'm setting up the camera...
 And yup...this was the best one lol. Classic us...
 What a wonderful time to celebrate our little girl. She is growing up so fast, I just can't say that enough. I'm so grateful for each day we have together and to watch her grow and develop. It's such a challenge and the greatest source of joy. I'm so proud of the girl you are iz, and how hard you try to learn new things like doing the monkey bars (you go girl!), tying your shoes, and reading words. I'm so blessed to have you as my daughter and love when you ask for me to "stay" when we are saying goodnight so we can snuggle a few more minutes. You are kind and have become a very good playmate and big sister. You work hard to be independent, but also are great at following rules and being safe. My heart feels so happy when I watch you use your imagination during play with your friends and while playing with bodie-I'm proud of all the new things you are learning and your persistent spirit. I love you and can't wait for so many more years together. Happy Birthday Biz!