Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the biz is 16 months!

Sorry I've been so bad about posting pictures! Our computer is not working, so I'm doing some posting at work and it is amazing how fast and easy it is! Anyway here are a few pics from the last months. I can't believe iz is 16 months! She just had her dr. check up and is doing great. She is 25+ pounds and 32+ inches long. She is saying so many words and imitaing us too. It is so fun to see her personality coming out. She loves outside, going to the park, swinging and going down the slide. She is climbing onto everything! She loves to play with her babies and pretend to feed them, change diapers, put them to sleep- "nite nite" she says. She is sleeping through the nite (thank the Lord!) and takes one good nap a day (usually). She is independent and social and likes to be around other kids and people. She loves being with our friends and has 2 good friends, Aaron (who she calls Anna, his mom's name) and Tyler (who she calls ty ty) -our nanny share family's little boy. She started saying 2 words together (go outside, bye daddy), still loves olives (especially eating them off her fingers), and washclothes in her bath. We are getting very excited for our new baby, and trust that everything will continue to go well with the pregnancy. Iz has learned that there is a baby in my tummy, but I think the concept is still foreign (which makes total sense!). We are really looking forward to the holidays and more fun with the biz! Love to all our friends and family!

clothes from vicki

Thank you vicki for the amazing box of clothes for iz. We opened it together and she said "wow"! to each thing, and literaly would pick each one up by the hanger and take it back and forth to us saying "wow" for about 10 minutes after too! You keep her so well dressed, we are so greatful. Thank you!!

helping around the house

Iz is really into "helping" around the house now, helping with dishes and sweeping- I hope it lasts!


IZ recently got into coloring, likes taking the lids off the pens almost as much as the coloring itself, lol.

record player

We cleaned out our office at work so I got to bring home an old record player that Graham actually had as a kid. He loves showing izzy how it works and she loves "dancing" to the music. My favorite records - Mary Poppins and White Christmas, of course I still remember all the words to the songs!

Halloween 2009

Happy Halloween from the Ayres-Wilhelm clan! Iz got to borrow a dog costume from our nanny share family and friends and she wore it to our neighborhood party at the park. She didn't enjoy the ears so that's why I only snapped one pick with them on, lol. She loved handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, too bad we only got a handful of them. She would take a piece of candy from the bowl and say "knock knock" as she looked to the door. It was too cute! Or course there was candy to be eaten too. Next year we are hoping for our first trick-or-treating adventure. I've never been so I think it will be fun for both of us. We are so happy the holidays are here, and hope everyone is enjoying fall! Love from the biz!

Friday, September 4, 2009


i put pigtails in iz's hair today, wanted to get a few pics. She is getting so grown up and doing so many things. She loves climbing on anything and is saying so many words! There is a dog that lives a few houses down and tonight she said "mema! mema!" (for emma, her name) when we went to say hi. So cute. She loves the playground and recently started going up the stairs and down the slide on her own again and again. I feel so proud of everything she does (well only the good things =)), and beam when I see her everyday. her favorite song to dance to- "I've had the time of my life" is exactly how I feel about the last year- the good and the bad. She is such a joy and fun to be around. Love ya biz!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

bread and olives

another one of iz's favorite snacks

more walking

new shoes

iz got her first pair of real shoes last weekend. she has really taken off and is walking all around now!

iz and bun bun

Iz has had her favorite stuffed animal since she was born- who we coined "bun bun". During a snack one day she decided to give him a bite of her cracker. it was so cute i can't believe i actually got a pic of it. too cute biz

Monday, May 25, 2009

at the beach!

We went to Ocean City for a day over the long weekend. It was amazing. I loved it. Iz wasn't sure about the sand, and graham had allergies, but it was still a great day. We are already planning our next trip!

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iz in her heart pj's

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