Wednesday, February 27, 2013


yup...this is us =)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Sunday evening walk

After a week of the flu and feeling down it felt amazing to get out in the fresh air this evening. Beautiful pictures to be taken everywhere. Mother Nature delivered...

Walking with the sun setting. Trees look beautiful against the sky don't they?

Reflections in the canal. The lakes are frozen over but the small canal still runs with water and there are even ducks swimming!

I found this awesome climbing tree with great low branches. Will have to bring the kids back to this tree in the spring to try it out!

Made a few footprint "hearts" in the snow. Iz loves to make these now and bo tries too ;).

I caught the sunset. Love how the light changes in each stage and even after it goes down. I turned around to walk home and looked up and saw a full moon!

Here is to a week were we can get outside more and all stay healthy. Happy new week.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, February 22, 2013

almost 3

can you believe this guy is turning 3 soon?!

oooh... siblings

This picture made me smile. no caption needed.

Oregon Trip and my 33rd

 In January I turned 33 and the day after I was able to travel back to Portland, OR for a long weekend. It was a wonderful trip and I was able to see my parents and grandparents and a few good friends. Here is a few highlights from my trip in iphone pictures.
flight essentials =)
morning flight out of madison

someone took this for me on the way into portland. amazing.
 After I arrived at the airport Mel, Chris and Oli picked me up and we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Michaelis house. Ironically during the weekend it was colder in oregon than madison, but that's okay! I still enjoyed wearing a light jacket and slip on shoes and pretending it was warmer, haha.

I hadn't been to my Grandparents house in Oregon City for several years and a visit was long overdue! I had a wonderful time chatting with grandma and listening to some origami and genealogy from grandpa and so enjoyed walking around outside on their beautiful property. It went way too quickly. It was so nice to see some of the things I remembered from many years ago- bicycles, the big swing, the old swing set, amazingly tall trees. It sure made me feel nostalgic and I also felt so strongly that I wanted my kids to be able to meet the Michaelis grandparents and experience their amazing place. Hopefully one day soon that will come true.
bicycle with wood
these trees make me happy
gpa loves some origami

old swing set mel and i used to play on and fern

shell by tree
 After our too short trip in Oregon City, where I also was able to see my aunt Beth- who is always showing such kindness with gifts and smiles and interest in our lives- Mom and Dad took me to my dear friend Angela's house. (insert pictures that weren't taken here =().  We spent several hours chatting and I was able to meet and play with Katie for a little bit, who is adorable and so full of spirit. The time just wasn't long enough so I invited myself back for some more bestie time a few days later. Thanks Ang for such lovely visits and birthday gifts. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Love you!

After mom and dad picked me up from Angela's we went to pick up some yummy food for the evening and I came home to find a birthday party! How thoughtful and sweet of my amazing family. Thank you so much for the decorations and all the amazing goodies.

where are the other balloons mel?

happy birthday to me! 
 The next day I was overjoyed that we were able to take a trip to the Oregon Coast! Probably my most favorite place. Even though mom was sick, she was still able to go! Thanks mom. What a wonderful day. The ride over was so pretty, it always is.
from the car

first picture out of the car= love!
 We stopped first at Mo's. Yummy! Clam chowder and garlic bread, delish!
oli excited about the bucket
 After lunch out to the ocean we went. We walked on the sand, took some pictures, smiled as Oli ran on the beach, and talked about how fast time flies. It was chilly but I could've stayed all night. Everyone chipped in on helping me collect shells and rocks for the kids too- thanks all! On our way out I also collected a bag of sand to take back to Madison. Keepsakes. =)
had to feel the sand in my toes-cold or not =)

sisters in the sunbeams

the beautiful oregon coast

me and the parents at Mo's. Love you guys!
 After our beach walk the family made me happy by staying for the sunset. Mom, Mel and I even took some jumping pictures in the sunset. priceless memories.
 What a beautiful day. Before our drive home we stopped for some hot drinks and yummy treats at the coffee shop that has become our tradition. What's the name of that place? Must look that up! Delish chai latte and cappachino/lemon bars...yummy!

Then back home for what? how about some more treats! lol

my family knows I like sugar

During my visit we also got to go visits my Grandma and Grandpa Ayres. It was also a long overdue visit and went too quickly. Grandma made her famous marrionberry pie from berries grown at my mom and dad's house! It was amazing. Can't you just taste it through these pictures??
 And also her famous M&M cookies. They were delicious. I remember Mel and I going to spend the night and their house and we would get to sleep in the water bed, each wear a long t-shirt to bed (me blazers, you dockers- right mel? =)) make m & m cookies (i always ate some extra from the bowl of course), and have pop tarts and waffles with berry syrup with milk in tall plastic glasses for breakfast. So these cookies bring that all back...
 The rest of the visit was spent wonderfully at home visiting with mom, dad and mel, chris and oli. I was also able to see a good friend Katie from my freshman year in college which was a blast.
Dad and I got to do a little walking downtown and some shopping. Thanks dad for all the goodies and treats! I loved our talks and time together and miss you already! Oli and I got a short walk around Keizer together which was really fun. It was cold out so at one point I gave him my socks as gloves. Turned them inside out for sanitary reasons =)
love you buddy!

dinner out with dad, mel, chris, and oli
 What a fun filled and meaningful trip I had back to Oregon. It has been really challenging for me being so far away at times, feeling away from "home". I really miss being close and able to see my family who I love so much. And after having kids wanting to show them the places and people important to me of course feels very meaningful. A part of my heart is most definitely in Oregon.

one of my many gifts from mom and dad.
thanks for spoiling me!
 Of course the end of the trip meant that I was able to come back to see my beautiful kids and wonderful g, so saying goodbye wasn't all bad.  The kids enjoyed some of the treasures of my trip also. Luckily the sand made it through the extra check at security. =) xoxoxo