Thursday, August 26, 2010

family resemblance?

I often hear people say "your kids look just like you"
what do you think about these pics of me and bodie?
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izzy 2 years!

Iz had her 2 year doc visit this week.
Her stats are: 28.4 pounds (75%ile) , and 36 3/4 inches tall (97%ile)
She showed off to Dr. Jasani, naming her colors (Dr. said, "she even knows brown?! =)), getting dressed on her own, drawing a "face", and talking up a storm (Dr. said "like a 4 yr old"!). I was very proud. a blog is meant for bragging right!? =) We are blessed to have a happy healthy girl.
She is growing so fast, loving play doh recently and still loving the park. She really enjoys playing with other kids, and seeks them out at the park. She was really into playing store, which we did for the first time this week, which was one of my favorite games as a kid! She has a love/bully relationship with her brother. lol She loves reading books, espcially with us before bed. Current favorites are Love you Forever, and Harold and the Purple Crayon. She is so funny, when you do something that she doesn't like she says, "sorry for taking a bite of the popcicle dad", etc. She is starting to be able to tell me about things she does during the day, which is really nice when I get home from work to hear "i had fun at park w/ lea" . Potty training still in progress...
Love ya biz!

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my bodes

ah bodes. today our nanny lea said "every nanny at the park loves bodes because he is so smiley". so true. he loves to be out and about, is starting solids and loves bananas and avacado! He also is reaching to grab everything. my favorite recently is to see his little hand coming out from the stroller to try to grab leaves, flowers, etc. love it! he is babbling lots of "b"s and is loving the swing at the park and strolling around the neighborhood. a cute chunker. love you bodes!

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park time

i love my kids.
nothing better than an afternoon walk and time at the "ruby girl" park
there was a daycare class at the park and iz would walk up to other kids and say, "hi i'm iz". such a cute age

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

South Carlina vaca

we were very excited for our trip to south carolina to stay with our friends at their family's beach house on Kiawah Island, S. Carolina. we took 2 days to drive down and back so had a mini-just -our- family vaca at the hotel both ways, which was fun as well (swimming in the pool, jumping on the beds, having "rainbow cherrios" at the continental breakfast. It was very hot on the island but we went out to the beach or the pool in the mornings, then went back to the house for naps, to be followed by play or bike rides and then delicious dinners. graham got to go golfing and I also got to go out for a pedicure with my friend and her mom in law. We also saw an alligator! It was a beautiful place and we had so much fun! By the end Tyler and Iz were playing together and fighting like syblings! =) Iz wanting to give hugs and hold his
The first day we arrived we went to the beach and iz practically layed down in the sand, she was loving it! She also really enjoyed the pool and loved swimming around and playing with the toys and the other kids there. She also really enjoyed the big spider that lived outside the house that we were staying in, and every day several times would want to see it and talk about it. =) She also loved playing with her "get well soon" balloon that we bought on the drive down (best $2.99) we spent ...keeping her and bodie occupied in the car and throught the vaca! =)
thanks to our friends, the Albus'! we had a great time!!

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dad pics

always a good time to be had when dad's around!

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Bodie, 5 months old

22 lbs! Health, happy boy.
Bodes is becoming more interactive everyday, smiling and laughing, reaching for toys, and your face and hair. Almost everytime we are out we hear a comment about how happy of a baby he is. We are blessed. He is getting his feet and rolling all the time. We often come in to find him on his tummy, half of the time one arm is still under his body and the other half he figures out how to get it out! =) He sleeps well, somedays still cat naping other days 3 hrs! At night he is doing well, and most days can fall asleep on his own (which is awsome and sad at the same time, that he is growing and developing so fast!) He loves to rub his feet together( see pic below) which I think is adorable. He is reaching for toys, chewing on everything (loves my keys just like iz did) and loves to be outside. He is so observant now and likes to be around people and in new places. He did great on our vacation, despite the extreme heat, and really enjoyed being around lots of people and dogs. He even got into the pool and had fun for awhile. =) He is still eating well, although not too interested in solids so we think we will hold off another month or so. He started with a sippy cup and is learning how that works. He is squealing, cooing and making sounds with his mouth, also sucking on his lips and making smacking noises, so cute! He is also getting better at sitting and does well with support. Still loves bath, although tries to roll over sometimes which results in drinking water...and iz still makes him laugh- playing peek-a-boo with him and ticking him.

Love you bodes!

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