Thursday, August 26, 2010

izzy 2 years!

Iz had her 2 year doc visit this week.
Her stats are: 28.4 pounds (75%ile) , and 36 3/4 inches tall (97%ile)
She showed off to Dr. Jasani, naming her colors (Dr. said, "she even knows brown?! =)), getting dressed on her own, drawing a "face", and talking up a storm (Dr. said "like a 4 yr old"!). I was very proud. a blog is meant for bragging right!? =) We are blessed to have a happy healthy girl.
She is growing so fast, loving play doh recently and still loving the park. She really enjoys playing with other kids, and seeks them out at the park. She was really into playing store, which we did for the first time this week, which was one of my favorite games as a kid! She has a love/bully relationship with her brother. lol She loves reading books, espcially with us before bed. Current favorites are Love you Forever, and Harold and the Purple Crayon. She is so funny, when you do something that she doesn't like she says, "sorry for taking a bite of the popcicle dad", etc. She is starting to be able to tell me about things she does during the day, which is really nice when I get home from work to hear "i had fun at park w/ lea" . Potty training still in progress...
Love ya biz!

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1 comment:

eaddies said...

Love your Sunglasses Iz!!!!Loveyou,Gmaz xxooooo HUGSSS xxoooo