22 lbs! Health, happy boy.
Bodes is becoming more interactive everyday, smiling and laughing, reaching for toys, and your face and hair. Almost everytime we are out we hear a comment about how happy of a baby he is. We are blessed. He is getting his feet and rolling all the time. We often come in to find him on his tummy, half of the time one arm is still under his body and the other half he figures out how to get it out! =) He sleeps well, somedays still cat naping other days 3 hrs! At night he is doing well, and most days can fall asleep on his own (which is awsome and sad at the same time, that he is growing and developing so fast!) He loves to rub his feet together( see pic below) which I think is adorable. He is reaching for toys, chewing on everything (loves my keys just like iz did) and loves to be outside. He is so observant now and likes to be around people and in new places. He did great on our vacation, despite the extreme heat, and really enjoyed being around lots of people and dogs. He even got into the pool and had fun for awhile. =) He is still eating well, although not too interested in solids so we think we will hold off another month or so. He started with a sippy cup and is learning how that works. He is squealing, cooing and making sounds with his mouth, also sucking on his lips and making smacking noises, so cute! He is also getting better at sitting and does well with support. Still loves bath, although tries to roll over sometimes which results in drinking water...and iz still makes him laugh- playing peek-a-boo with him and ticking him.
Love you bodes!
So cute! Miss ya bodes!
Bodie!! I love you!!! Cute cute Pics.xxoooo love,gmaz
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