Thursday, June 26, 2008

the waiting game

Yesterday we went to my 40 week appointment and the days come and go, but nothin' appears to be a changin'-except my blood pressure creeping up!! I know, I know ...everyone says just enjoy the last days of resting and peace and quiet....but enough waiting already! Graham says it's just like the longest buildup to Christmas ever- and I agree! Even though the "normal" pregnancy can go up to 42 weeks without being considered late, my doctor wants izzy to come asap because of my blood pressure concerns that we have been dealing with for the last few months. Today we are going in for a fluid check and non-stress test, and my doc said if they are good we can hold out until next week. Perfect--just in time for my mom to fly home- boohoo! So.... in hopes to avoid being induced I think we might be making a stop by the store to pick up some caster oil. My doctor said that she's had it only not work 2 times in her career (23 yrs) by golly if we try it I hope it works! She also said I can't tell anyone she told me about it - hehe. So I might be writing later if I down 1/2 the bottle (this is the dosage she recommended!) in misery (ugh don't google it online!), but hopefully i'll be writing saying the day has finally arrived and maybe all izzy needed was a little kick start. stay tuned....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

baby....where are you?

Here's to hoping this is the last picture of my big 'ol belly! Today was my due Izzy has 4 hours left...come on izzo let's go!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mom in DC!

Mom arrived in DC a few days ago and the weather has been much better so we ventured out to see some of the sights around the mall. After a short metro ride we stopped at the white house, then on to the Washington monument (with view of the Lincoln memorial) and then the capital building. Mom was very excited to see the sights that she had learned about in school and seen in her books. We had a fun time and are hoping to get in some more walking/sight-seeing to encourage Izzy to move on out!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Today..? nope. Today...? nope. Today..? nope!

I am officially 39 weeks pregnant! These days I find myself wondering and hoping..... do I feel different today...could it be the day today...was that a contraction? But nothing much going on yet. Graham thinks maybe she'll come on her actual due date..joking that she's going to be a perfectionist. I guess we'll see. My mom is coming on Thursday and I'm so excited to have her here! Well it won't be long yet before my big belly pics will be replaced with pics of our little Izzy-I think we are all ready for that!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sisters are the best!

My sister left today (sad!). We had some great times just hanging out together and chatting-and trying to stay cool with the heat wave happening. One thing for sure-lots of ice cream was had! Thanks for coming mel-it was so great to have you here- you did so much and I loved having you around. Everything was better with you here! Sorry Izzy didn't make her grand appearance when you were here- and it wasn't the most exciting trip to DC-but I can't wait for you and Chris to come back when she does finally arrive.

Gardening in a heat wave

Graham and his mom have been working on the yard a bit over the last week-making trips to Home Depot and weeding/planting some flowers and also some veggies. It's been great and I'm so excited to watch the plants grow! I snapped a few pictures out of amazement of the two of them gardening in the heat mother, like son I guess?

38 weeks round!

Izzy is 38 weeks today and still loving it inside-(and doing frequent kicks to the ribs!) I'm feeling round and swollen -increasing by the day-but overall I can't complain. I'm continuing on 2 doc visits per week until...? My blood pressure continues to be good at the visits so she is very pleased. My mom is coming in a few weeks--let's hope Izzy comes while she's here!

Friday, June 6, 2008

is it hot or what?

Well today it was around 90 degrees, and looks like there will be no break in the weather for the next several days--ugh! With the AC not working downstairs our place is so hot!! We retreated for a few hours to the movie theater to watch Kung Fu Panda and enjoyed the cool air. Izzy was doing some kung fu moves inside my belly all day and has been so active-it's so fun! We stopped by Trader Joes on our way home to pick up a few things for dinner. Leanne is treating us and making dinner--which is amazing considering it is probably 10 degrees hotter in the kitchen! I'm making my friend Maura's strawberry/mango salad to go along with dinner. I took a few pics of us just hanging out-so thought I'd post them. Mel did take one of me with my head in the freezer-if you need a good laugh.

still preggo!

The preggo update:
Yesterday at yet another visit (thanks mel for going with me!) we met with my doctor and found out that my blood pressure continues to look better-yeah! The baby continues to look good during the non-stress-tests and the fluid level looks fine also. More yeahs! She said she feels comfortable to continue to let the pregnancy go and not induce-again...yeah! So on we go into week 38. I have a feeling Izzy is very comfy in there and will be taking her sweet time to come out- as I continue to think to myself--how in the world can my belly get any bigger?? Well- just wanted to add the recent update and a few funny pics of graham and me and my belly.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

...and another change in plans

This week has brought more changes, but more important- my sister and leanne are here visiting! It is so nice to have family here to be with! Mel has been getting me water, food, taking out the trash, and listening to me talk about my woes and concerns- it's been great- especially being on modified bed rest and feeling very round! Leanne came in a few days ago and it is so nice to have her here too. We spent the day in Alexandria yesterday and had lunch. She went with graham down to DC today to see some of the sights. Luckily we have had decent weather and it hasn't been sweltering here... yet!

So last week the doctor told us that she wanted to induce this week-because of the high blood pressure and concerns that come along with that and the risk factors. Hence-the rush to change family plans and have Leanne out to be here. Well today when we went to the appointment my blood pressure was better- so she said we could wait another week and she would like to wait because she knows we want as natural of a birth as possible and waiting would give my body and the baby time to mature and get a little more prepared for birth- as I am not dilated at all at this point. The medication seems to be working, and the risk of waiting another week is small- so they will continue to closely monitor me. Back in a few days for another check-so who knows what will we may hear on Thursday! the good news for 37 weeks is that my bp is down some and we have time to hope Izzy comes on her own.- bad news is that everyone might be gone when she comes!! Well-- Mel is busy googling ways to naturally induce labor so we might have some experiments going on this week and weekend in hopes to entice Izzy out!