This week has brought more changes, but more important- my sister and leanne are here visiting! It is so nice to have family here to be with! Mel has been getting me water, food, taking out the trash, and listening to me talk about my woes and concerns- it's been great- especially being on modified bed rest and feeling very round!
So last week the doctor told us that she wanted to induce this week-because of the high blood pressure and concerns that come along with that and the risk factors. Hence-the rush to change family plans and have Leanne out to be here. Well today when we went to the appointment my blood pressure was better- so she said we could wait another week and she would like to wait because she knows we want as natural of a birth as possible and waiting would give my body and the baby time to mature and get a little more prepared for birth- as I am not dilated at all at this point. The medication seems to be working, and the risk of waiting another week is small- so they will continue to closely monitor me. Back in a few days for another check-so who knows what will we may hear on Thursday! the good news for 37 weeks is that my bp is down some and we have time to hope Izzy comes on her own.- bad news is that everyone might be gone when she comes!! Well-- Mel is busy googling ways to naturally induce labor so we might have some experiments going on this week and weekend in hopes to entice Izzy out!
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