Thursday, June 26, 2008

the waiting game

Yesterday we went to my 40 week appointment and the days come and go, but nothin' appears to be a changin'-except my blood pressure creeping up!! I know, I know ...everyone says just enjoy the last days of resting and peace and quiet....but enough waiting already! Graham says it's just like the longest buildup to Christmas ever- and I agree! Even though the "normal" pregnancy can go up to 42 weeks without being considered late, my doctor wants izzy to come asap because of my blood pressure concerns that we have been dealing with for the last few months. Today we are going in for a fluid check and non-stress test, and my doc said if they are good we can hold out until next week. Perfect--just in time for my mom to fly home- boohoo! So.... in hopes to avoid being induced I think we might be making a stop by the store to pick up some caster oil. My doctor said that she's had it only not work 2 times in her career (23 yrs) by golly if we try it I hope it works! She also said I can't tell anyone she told me about it - hehe. So I might be writing later if I down 1/2 the bottle (this is the dosage she recommended!) in misery (ugh don't google it online!), but hopefully i'll be writing saying the day has finally arrived and maybe all izzy needed was a little kick start. stay tuned....

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