Friday, December 10, 2010

iz biz 29 months

biz, 29 months old...loves to dress and undress, particularly to try on her old baby clothes or her brother's clothes. =) A few pics of her recent outfits for this month's post. she keeps us laughing!

current likes are her beanie baby bears and of course bun bun. also likes (of course) tv shows- max and ruby, spongebob,dora, and the movie cars. loves to take a bath- will periodically throughout the day go to the stairs and proclaim "it's time to take a bath!" and will play with her animals, and other toys in her room for some hours some days- and just starting to play together with bodie too, which is so nice! She also sleeps with tubbies on her pillow everynight- just too cute, and he sleeps there all night!

she started asking questions this month, "can i have a cookie mom, can i?" "wanna play with some quiet toys mom?" fun to see new things she continues to do...

Favorite recent phrase-"oh bun bun i love you, i missed you so much!" while holding and patting him, lol. Followed by, "i'm so proud of you".

we are getting excited for christmas!!

a recent outfit sellection, followed by "i look good" and this fake crying for the picture

onsie with "skate shoes"

on our thanksgiving holiday, found some goggles and posed for this pic...

scotch tape belt

swimming in my friend barrie's bathtub on a visit for a Ducks game and visit

opening a christmas card from grandma

one of her favorite toys at uncle charlie and natalie's house...

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Bodie, 9 months old

Happy 9 months bodes!

your current favorite- crawling over to the stairs and pulling up. you love to see your sis at the top of the stairs, you laugh and get so excited.

Bodie 9 months old you are a crawling, pulling up, exploring, playing, smiling, laughing (and not sleeping!) machine. =)

9 month stats

size: you are still big. =) wearing 18mnths -2T clothes

eating: love trying new foods, like noodles, sweet potatoes, cherrios, grilled cheese, yogurt, and all time favorite-mom's smoothies! you finger feed yourself and love drinking through a straw

play: you love being with people. you love music and will dance! you play peek a boo and your "trick"- you raise your arms up to "how big is bo bo?" you like cars, blocks, the cats, rattles and balls, bath time, the christmas tree and lights, computer cord... you are all over the place! you love our play time after your bath where we crawl around and do baby slams on the bed.

we went to pick out our tree and it was very cold, but you were all smiles.

language: you definitely say mama- (yeah!) and I think use "m" for more when eating. you are still babbling and i'm excited to hear your little voice and first words! you respond to your name and "no no". also you show off your "so big" trick we we ask you to. =)

sleep: ugh! 30 min cat naps and up at night still...i'm holding out for the 10 month mark...fingers crossed you follow in your sisters footsteps and turn a corner soon!

still a happy little guy!

and of course sometimes not so happy...

you love to pull up on the tv stand and then take out all the dvds. with pulling up to stand being new for you, this captures your frequent "help, i'm stuck, how do i get down!" cry

oh also to note: you definitely picked up your dads humming . Anytime you see a tag you break out in a hum almost right away, lol. i hear you and sure enough i turn to where you are and they you are with a tag!

Love ya bodes, thanks for all the smiles and snuggles!

your first road trip to Ohio for thanksgiving this month, you did well and loved meeting your extended family and being around new people and playing and crawling all around the big houses in Ohio!

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

bath time

never a dull moment in the ayres-wilhelm household... and probably one of the best times of the day- tub time! After all, who doesn't love a good bubble bath!




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the iz biz, 28 months

oh iz biz...where to start, where to start...
Age 2 +
say "cheese"

you are a bundle of love, energy, emotions, ideas, attitude, sweetness, and smarts.

today at the park you were swinging next to me, praciting saying "hi what's your name"
"my name's iz" "i'm 2 years old" "i have my grown up with me"
then pushing some other girls on the meri-go-round at the playground a while later you say "is that good? you all having fun? you like it?"

i will miss it when these cute little 2 year old phrases are gone...
and then again there are some things i am sure i won't miss, #2 situtions, tantrums, etc...

Iz, this week you drew your first smiley faces! (see below) you still love coloring, paiting, and stickers and i love crafts too so we do them together often.

Smiley faces! "mommy and daddy"

You went through a week or so of tuff bedtime and naptime transitions...but now (knock on wood) i couldn't feel more proud as you do such a good job taking your bath, reading stories and playing with us, then asking for a backscratch and the story of when you were born --then you say "good night!, leave the door open," and try to move your fingers to sign "i love you". Then we leave the room and hear you talk/pick up, etc. to tubbies "you named him Tubu" for a while before we peek back up to see you snuggled under your covers in bed. such a good girl. and in the morning you start your day with "good morning tubu" or a favorite story of grahams- busting into mom and dad's room with your basket of bath toys at 6am to announce, "tub toys!" . I love being here in the mornings as i am usully at work so miss seeing your smiling face first thing. Sometimes (like today) you're up early (5am) with your brother, to give me lots of play time and a little grumbling about why you never sleep in when i'm home in the morning. =)

you love to help make pizza and you love to play in water with your bar of soap. lol
Oliva and Froggy are favorite books and you master your dora and diego puzzles- sometimes pretending you can't do them so we play with you. You still love going to the park and fruit snacks are a fav. We go to the library regularly and you really enjoy picking out books and a few DVDs and finding the stuffed animals to read to while we are there. you are alredy trying to teach bodie things, "no bodie no!". lol and do (most days) give him toys and hugs throughout the day. you love clothes and socks, and prefer to wear your pjs- or nothing!- all the time. =)

Vacuuming, i.e." i do it!"

we are talking about going on our trip after christmas, and i know you are excited because every so often you will say "we go on an airplane to see aunt mel, uncle chris, oscar and tobie"! and I have to remind today- in a few weeks!

love ya biz! thanks for all the dance parties, laughs, hugs, tea time and story times, are the best

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"nap time"

brand new bodie and big sister iz

this blog has become my baby books for the kids, so when i run across soemthing i don't want to forget or want to make sure i have to show them when they are older- i try to post it right away before it gets lost in file or under a pile. =)

i figured out how to post videos so wanted to post these two videos of itty bitty bodes as a newborn and izzy- 20 months. I just can't believe how little she looks in the videos compared to now- just 8 months ago! Definitely had tears in my eyes watching these- and what a sweet big sister. (with a black eye from a swing encounter at the park). Also documented is izzy's obsession of watching videos of herself, espcially herself in the bath ("see baff, see baff"). lol

Bodes, 8 months, on the move!

Bodie is 8 months old and started crawling! I got his first crawl on video, need to work on uploding it- during the duck game last week! you can see in the photos he is on the move--going backwards and getting stuck, pulling up on things, and trying to crawl out of the bath as well =). He is still our smiley guy and doing so well. He is finger feeding, and wants to try everything! He loves to be outside and out and about at the playground, in the car, and recently loved the metro. Clothing...that is still challenge so most of his size 2T pants are about 6 inches too long. =) We are excited to see Mel and Chris next month, and see how he likes his first plane ride! Fingers crossed it goes well! i love singing and dancing and making him laugh- and playing "how big is bo bo" as he puts his arms up, too cute. He loves hanging out on the grass at the park when not in the swing, and testing out how different sticks and leaves taste...=) love ya bodes!


double fist pump for bath time!


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reaching for some bathtime reading material...

iz pretending to feed bodes

i was in the living room and caught this a few months ago...priceless

test video

I've been trying to figure out how to post videos to the blog...yeah it worked! here is izzy's current favorite video of herself to watch- making funny faces. lol
now let's see if i can figure out how i made it work again. =)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

trick or treating

okay so full disclosure...I couldn't wait to go trick or treating! Iz was super excited too, and we practiced before -
me: you go to the door and knock and what do you say?
iz: trick or treat.
me: then what happens
iz: put a treat in your basket!
she had it down and by the end of the night she was a pro, collecting one piece for her basket and "need one for my brother" she would say- then giving me the second piece!
we started out with her friend phillipe, who helped show her how it worked "in real life".
and...must keep checking to make sure candy is still there!

there was one house with a man dressed as a monster outside (see pic below, man with rainbow hair)- I was really worried iz would be scared, but instead after we left the house she kept saying "go back to the monster!" "say thank you to the monster!" lol
a fun night to be remembered!now trying to pace myself with the candy, lol

a proud momma with my tinkerbelle and pooh bear
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Friday, October 29, 2010

park party-halloween 2010

our neighborhood park party was this afternoon...

i took some pics of the kids in their costumes
before we left with my other camera, but
can't find the converter right now...
so only have a few not great pics from the park party today.
will add more, better pics later!

iz=tinkerbell on a sugar high and bodes=cutest pooh bear ever

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