Thursday, November 4, 2010

trick or treating

okay so full disclosure...I couldn't wait to go trick or treating! Iz was super excited too, and we practiced before -
me: you go to the door and knock and what do you say?
iz: trick or treat.
me: then what happens
iz: put a treat in your basket!
she had it down and by the end of the night she was a pro, collecting one piece for her basket and "need one for my brother" she would say- then giving me the second piece!
we started out with her friend phillipe, who helped show her how it worked "in real life".
and...must keep checking to make sure candy is still there!

there was one house with a man dressed as a monster outside (see pic below, man with rainbow hair)- I was really worried iz would be scared, but instead after we left the house she kept saying "go back to the monster!" "say thank you to the monster!" lol
a fun night to be remembered!now trying to pace myself with the candy, lol

a proud momma with my tinkerbelle and pooh bear
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