Bodie is 8 months old and started crawling! I got his first crawl on video, need to work on uploding it- during the duck game last week! you can see in the photos he is on the move--going backwards and getting stuck, pulling up on things, and trying to crawl out of the bath as well =). He is still our smiley guy and doing so well. He is finger feeding, and wants to try everything! He loves to be outside and out and about at the playground, in the car, and recently loved the metro. Clothing...that is still challenge so most of his size 2T pants are about 6 inches too long. =) We are excited to see Mel and Chris next month, and see how he likes his first plane ride! Fingers crossed it goes well! i love singing and dancing and making him laugh- and playing "how big is bo bo" as he puts his arms up, too cute. He loves hanging out on the grass at the park when not in the swing, and testing out how different sticks and leaves taste...=) love ya bodes!
double fist pump for bath time!
reaching for some bathtime reading material...
HAHAHA ..You are a great writer Shell and a very great MOM!!!! Bodie I love your smile....Good on the reading material..National Geo I hope!! xxoo Love,Gmaz
Bodes is getting so big - and cute!
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