Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hoppy Easter

Happy Easter! We are ready for spring!!
We spent the day eating too much candy and the kids searched for Easter eggs (lasting a total of about 5 minutes- they were fast!) in the half melted snowy backyard. We played outside for a bit before a cold front rolled back in, and we escaped inside to watch the movie Wreck it Ralph together under a blanket. We also colored eggs a few days earlier with our friend/neighbor who lives upstairs and the kids had a blast. We hope you had a great Easter!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bodie turns 3!

Happy 3rd Birthday Bodie! Today we celebrated you. 
You are such a sweet and friendly little boy.
You love the color blue and this year you requested an umi zoomi birthday.
I love to carry on my mom's tradition of decorating for the kids's birthdays. 
I so enjoy the night of preparation and anticipation for the special day.

 Bodie- You love to smile and make us laugh.
You are creative and smart and love to build things and take things apart.
You love books and snuggles. 
You love when your dad says silly rhyming titles to books before reading them to you.
You love to play store, cash register, trains, construction, go outside, playdoh, painting, puzzles, listen to music, eat strawberries and drink smoothies. You are my little angel that gives the best hugs and makes me smile.

 Today we listened to you as you got so excited for your umi zoomi picture, balloons, and presents. We watched you let izzy help you open your presents and then share them with her. We saw your excitement over new toys and cards with sounds and stickers.
cards from grandma -thank you!

butt bow...hahaha!

presents from aunt mel-thank you!

izzy's gift to bodie- construction tools.
She bought it because she liked the goggles but they are too small.
haha. oh well

lucky charms on birthdays. the day mom says yes to the red box!

big sister birthday helper
 You rode your new scooter with a blue balloon tied to it to drop izzy off at school. It was chilly out so you were all bundled up but you were excited. You had long loved riding izzy's scooter and now you had one of your own! Thanks grandma and grandpa! After we got back from school drop off we played with your presents. The marble run was your favorite. Mine too!

come in. over over.
 Then we had a friend over for donut holes and apple juice. 3 boys on sugar....wowza. i think you had fun though.

 Sadly on the way to pick up izzy you fell on your scooter and hurt your tooth and mouth very badly. Poor little one. I felt so sad for you. and on your birthday. =( You are a strong boy and even though your tooth was in a different place you calmed and seemed okay when we got back home. Snuggles on the bed - just the 3 of us- while you and izzy watched umi zoomi on my kindle and I dozed, followed by play time, and then a nap together....what a perfect afternoon. We went to a pizza place with some friends from graham's work and you loved looking at all the games and pretend playing the car game. After we came back home we sang to you and ate cake! Then bedtime after we all complained of stomach aches from too much sugar, lol.

Happy Birthday my lovey. I'm so lucky I'm your mommy. I love our times together and when you ask me to play with you. I love hearing your creativity and seeing your smile and big brown chocolate eyes. I love when you ask me to lay with you for "just 2,7, 100 more minutes". I love watching you drift off to sleep and I love your awesome snuggles. I love reading books together, playing trains and going exploring. I love when you help me in the kitchen and when we go on walks/runs together. You are such a bright shining light in our family and we love you!

party time

happy birthday dear bodie, happy birthday to you.

make a wish

love your sweet silly self

happy birthday family photo!

A few photos from birthdays past.....
first day home

first birthday

second birthday

third birthday
Bodie my boy,
At 3 you are energetic, fun, sweet, kind, and adventurous.
You are a great eater and try lots of new foods.
You can dress and undress and make me laugh when you insist on wearing your pants backwards.
You are potty trained (hooray!)
You sleep through the night generally and rarely nap- unless mom or dad is with you.
You like all kinds of toys, but particularly like making things and taking things apart.
You like to disassemble things in your room during rest time like pictures, the lamp, bookshelves...
You love books and music
You like to be outside although don't love the cold
You like do art and paint
You like to help in the kitchen
You have crazy hair that I love. Perpetual bed head? sounds good to me =)
You love to go places like the mall, bookstore, museum, bouncy place, store, coffee shops...
You are kind and good at sharing, although sibling rivalry is still alive
You love the color blue and seeing construction trucks outside
You are strong and determined
Bodie, I love you!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Valentine's day

Izzy made her school friends valentine cards this year. Loved watching her write names on the cards. She also made herself one and wrote, To: Izzy From: Izzy. Love it!

Graham returned home from his trip and we celebrated valentine's day with a little family party at home. I had a frozen chocolate cake that I defrosted and cut into small hearts so we could each decorate our own mini chocolate cake-that was fun.
 Bodie ate a carton of strawberries while we got everything ready for the party, lol.
 cute iz biz with a silly happy sad face
 yummy....cake and pink frosting!
 trying to set the camera for a family photo
 and bo crying and iz is fuzzy. not so good...
 last attempt to get bo to smile for family pic. funny faces! he's on the ground crying =( lol, next time we will get a good family photo!
 my 3 valentines!