Sunday, March 3, 2013

winter continues...

It's officially March! A few recent quotes of izzy's sums up how I'm feeling-
"It's march now mom why is it not spring?"
"Mom, I'm getting impatient for the snowy days to be done"

Despite the cold weather, and snow storm on the horizon for tomorrow!, we have been enjoying time inside playing with puzzles, doing art, and being together.

On the weekends we try to get out and do some fun things together and everyone seems to really enjoy being out and about. This weekend we went to see a movie with the kids- they play $2 movies at the theatre by our house- and it was really fun. The kids did really well and we all enjoyed the movie. We also went to the mall, which is a fav of both iz and bo, and I would've made mom and dad proud by finding a penny by the pretzel stand! =) I picked up some supplies for bodie's birthday, which is coming up this friday!, and the celebration is looking like it will be a big blue bonanza! (bodie's fav color is blue). Bodie asked for an umi zoomi cake so I found some little toppers at the toy store that will hopefully work well. Izzy picked out a gift for him and she is excited for his birthday too, while letting me know what she will like for her birthday in july, haha. Izzy and I went grocery shopping today and I also got in a run in with my friend Kathy. I also tried making homemade graham crackers and they are delicious. Here's the link if you want to try...
We have also started the process of looking at houses in our area as we think about maybe buying a house. We looked at our first house this weekend and we are excited and nervous about continuing the process of possibly finding our first home. Will keep you posted...

I continue to look for a part time job, but also try to enjoy all the time I have with the kids. They have been having more good days together and watching them play together is a beautiful thing I will never tire of.

Sometimes I wish I could start my parenting journey over with my little crazies with the knowledge and experience I have now. Oh the life lessons these littles teach us. 
Love you both and our times together! Thanks for all the laughs.
Laying down with you for a last snuggle at night is one of my favorites, hearing your thoughts and questions, and then kissing your sweet sleeping faces. 
Looking forward to doing it all again tomorrow....


Melanie said...

Love the photos. You guys are so cute! We're currently in the middle of another snowfall too. Can't wait for spring.

eaddies said...

Love the pics........what book is Bodie trying to read?...