Saturday, November 26, 2011


We drove to the bayres lair for thanksgiving. I cooked and we enjoyed a beautiful day with warm weather! We also skyped with mom and dad yeah! No pictures?! Hmmm ... Bummer. The day after we spent more time relaxing
together and more good food. We also enjoyed the weather with some time at the park and a walk to see the Christmas lights.

Most of all feeling thankful for family.

Also love a good leaf pile.

Can u find the squirrels?


Love this guy. Enjoyed some auntie snuggle time.

Happy thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday thanks

Today I'm feeling thankful for my health and that of my family. We have been so blessed with being healthy (knock on wood) and i know when I experience small things (being able to wear contacts to not, or small colds/flu that the kids get) it even reminds me more about how fortunate we are to most every day wake up without physical pain and with the ability to walk, run, talk, play,eat, etc. Tonight we went to the store with the kids, each grabbed a cart, and off we went running into the store while the kids giggled and we enjoyed the crisp air and happy sounds vs fighting sounds ;) we had fun. Usually I'm mostly stressed about the kids crying or whining, but today I more than usual enjoyed watching izzy pick out the potatoes and ask me what acorn squash was.(I still panicked at times, but less than usual with g reminding me that it doesn't have to be the fastest trip we can make and we can slow down and breathe, maybe even enjoy it?!(gasp!)) The why question being Izzy's her new thing-" but why is it shaped like that mama ? why?"uh....hmmm
Anyway- That pretty much sums it up. Oh... And I'm so thankful we can get in the car and drive(!) to my sister's tomorrow! Hooray!! Can't wait to see the bayres clan.

Mud puddle jumping- pretty sweet.

And gotta love the bodes fearless jump off the mini stage.

YouTube Video

Love it.

Happy thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday thanks

Today I'm thankful for arts and crafts. And imagination and creativity.

Izzy's Christmas tree and presents.

And giving out the presents to her animals.

Also thankful for balloons Found 2 at the mall and have provided 20 minutes +of entertainment for the kids tonight.

Balloon pic and bodie as monster. The resemblance is striking once again.

😊happy tuesday.


This week I'm blogging about what I'm thankful for. It's so easy for my mind to turn to the stressors/ negatives, and miss out or forget to focus on all the positive happenings and all the blessings big and small we have to be thankful for.

Today I'm thankful for being able to cook, having the time and even with a tiny kitchen I enjoy it. After all a tiny kitchen is what I know :) and cooling with my it.

I'm also thankful for cuddles. Quiet after nap cuddles. Love them.

Today i also felt thankful for a stroller that allows us to go out and walk/explore. Today our trip to the play place in the mall and the bookstore. I love crisp air and am trying to take advantage of every day over 30degrees to get outside before winter hits. A trip with no crying - an extra special treat!

And in the evening iz and I stayed up late looking at old pictures of her. She loves to talk about the adventures we went on and see her toys in the pictures, look at out christmas pictures, etc I love to see her baby rolls and smiles. Such a cutie.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What I'm excited about today

Real coffee!


Watching iz play- here reading bearnstein bears and drinking her " milkie"

Wait wait don't tell me... (i really enjoyed this during my auntie visit with Mel and Chris and want to continue this weekend tradition)

Playing. Having g home!

Couple time. Picture compliments of izzy ;)

And...Hopefully seeing my favorite new babies on FaceTime.

My ols

Baby Lizzie- cant wait to meet u.

Here's to a great Sunday!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Goodbye DC, Hello WI

It's hard to believe we've been in Madison for about a week already. The kids (and cats) did amazing on the trip

Izzy's family photo. Love it.

Stopped at grandma Wilhelm's for a visit. Was so nice to see everyone and feel so welcome when we are there. The kids were so happy to be out of the car!

Bodes started saying " me" while we were there and he saw himself. Thought I'd take a pic as sometimes I feel like ive been so bad with keeping up on his milestones!

2 down, 2 down! Music to a parents ear on a long car ride. ;)

Chicago. ( and chicago traffic. It's ridiculous)

First Wisconsin sign!

Here are a few pictures from our week exploring around the city, checking out a few parks, at the children's museum, and at our hotel/home. It was beautiful fall weather the first few days, and today its snowing!

We have arrived. Just not home without some artwork ( yes that's my beautiful picture with the rainbow thank u ;)).

Fall leaves. Waterside park.

Shadow pic.

Day 2- trader joes trip! It's a very nice store and seems huge. Has tiny carts for iz and bodes, and all the snacking favs for mom and dad. Current fav is green mango and unexpected cheddar. Yum. Now I'm hungry ;)

Had to get some coloring supplies for our temp house. Coloring makes us all happy. Until I find coloring on the front of the dishwasher- then not so happy...

Kiss bodes- kiss? Ugh, ok iz.

More coloring.

Hmmm. What else is there to do around here?

Park pics! Love this neighborhood and huge park with amazing leaves!

The tongue swing, as I called it

Iz in giant leaf pile.
Biz N bodes in leaf pile. Sweet right? We all had a blast, until I lost my phone. Can u say needle in haystack? Luckily a nice mom at the park helped and called it- and the iPhone once again was found!;)

Metal slide!! So fun.

Bodes with his Napoleon dynamite sweats and boots lol

Iz on polar bear and cold.

Ready to play ( minus the shorts)

Snacks at hotel. Iz not so happy, bodes post haircut ;)

Smile munchkins. Love u!

And playing at the mall.

Watching the ducks.

Kitty love time.

Museum pics.

You can do it babe- believe

Warm fall skies...

And today out our window ;)

Whew. Lots of pics and lots of good times so far. enjoying the blessings. Transitions are hard. I miss my friends, work, our place, Izzy's preschool, our neighbors, everything you grow to love and what is comfortable, what you know. I read someone's post on facebook a few days ago, and thought it fitting- "life is what happens when you pass your comfort zone". Working on embracing my chance for a little sliver of that French countryside here in wisconsin. ;)

Rest time here, currently loving the quiet with snow out my window. Loving that I'm still in sweat pants and that i haven't felt rushed or anxious all day. Maybe the grass can be equally green on each side? Hmmmm. Well, for today- Enjoying the small things. (oh and free coffee downstairs anytime. A coffee-holic's dream).