Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bodie, 20 months

I have a few posts that i want to make (saying goodbye and road trip, destination=Wisconsin) but I'm skipping ahead because I have bobo on the brain. ;) He's turning 20 months in a few days, which sounds really close to 2- when u no longer keep track as closely by how many months they are and toddlerhood officially begins. Time flies. As my good friend Leah and her hubby Nick would say- we are guaranteed today, and we are pretty sure we have tomorrow. So- here's to enjoying each moment (okay to be realistic lets say most moments;))with the little crazies for the time we have together is a true blessing.

This month- bodies first haircut.
Completed by dad and mom in our hotel/temp home in Madison.

Adorable, right?!

At 20 months bodes you are full of energy, wild, outgoing, fun! You say "hi" out your window to people on the street and wave to people when we are out and about. You give the best snuggle hugs and I love the way you say "mama?!" for no apparent reason except for me to look at you ;). You are determined and have opinions. You like trains, and recently started putting the tracks together. You love keys and try to stuff them in any lock you can find. You have sim much excitement for things in life and will have the biggest "WOA" when you see something exciting (balloon, dog,ball, etc). You make people laugh and people love to be around you.

You are a wild man. Love to climb, run, and love going outside "side"- as u call it. You love watching chuggington show and call it "choo choo" when u r done with something you say "all done choo choo, or whatever it is you are done with.

You still have a good appetite for somewhat of a variety of food, which makes your mama happy when you eat apples and carrots. ;) You love to copy whatever your sister is doing. You just started to say , "mommieeee", in addition to momma. You love to swim and don't mind water over your face- just laughing and saying "nose" pointing to your nose when you get water inside. Fearless! You also still love to put your hand through your mom or dad's hair or your own hair when you are sleepy, and still love your paci. You now say, "momma, sleep" when you are tired.

Sometimes life is hard at this age. You dislike the car, and shopping, and in general sitting still, lol. You get angry when someone gives you for example- a piece of banana when you wanted to the whole banana. Or maybe you thought you wanted it peeled for you but then realized you wanted to peel it yourself. Things like that....make bobo not a happy camper. I wish I had infident amount of patience for you, because I know it's a hard time sometimes...we'll keep working on it.

but back to the happy times...

Love u little monster.

I love to hear your little voice call me, and when we ask if you want something and you do- you say, "crse" for 'of course'. it so cute. you love to plug in the vacuum (supervised of course) when it's time to clean up, and you are getting better at learning to share and take turns. You also like dancing and are a cuddle bug. I love you so much bodes.

(post wake up early morning smiles)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Melanie said...

Great post! Bodes is so cute!

eaddies said...

hahahhahhaah...super great write-up....Bodes is so funny...I love it..

Melanie said...

Oh, and I love the haircut!