Saturday, August 14, 2010

South Carlina vaca

we were very excited for our trip to south carolina to stay with our friends at their family's beach house on Kiawah Island, S. Carolina. we took 2 days to drive down and back so had a mini-just -our- family vaca at the hotel both ways, which was fun as well (swimming in the pool, jumping on the beds, having "rainbow cherrios" at the continental breakfast. It was very hot on the island but we went out to the beach or the pool in the mornings, then went back to the house for naps, to be followed by play or bike rides and then delicious dinners. graham got to go golfing and I also got to go out for a pedicure with my friend and her mom in law. We also saw an alligator! It was a beautiful place and we had so much fun! By the end Tyler and Iz were playing together and fighting like syblings! =) Iz wanting to give hugs and hold his
The first day we arrived we went to the beach and iz practically layed down in the sand, she was loving it! She also really enjoyed the pool and loved swimming around and playing with the toys and the other kids there. She also really enjoyed the big spider that lived outside the house that we were staying in, and every day several times would want to see it and talk about it. =) She also loved playing with her "get well soon" balloon that we bought on the drive down (best $2.99) we spent ...keeping her and bodie occupied in the car and throught the vaca! =)
thanks to our friends, the Albus'! we had a great time!!

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Melanie said...

Thanks for posting some pics Shell. Great photos. Looks like fun was had by all :)

eaddies said...

Wonderful pics..Love the Balloon idea.....haha....Cute in that swim suit,gmaz