Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Sunday evening walk

After a week of the flu and feeling down it felt amazing to get out in the fresh air this evening. Beautiful pictures to be taken everywhere. Mother Nature delivered...

Walking with the sun setting. Trees look beautiful against the sky don't they?

Reflections in the canal. The lakes are frozen over but the small canal still runs with water and there are even ducks swimming!

I found this awesome climbing tree with great low branches. Will have to bring the kids back to this tree in the spring to try it out!

Made a few footprint "hearts" in the snow. Iz loves to make these now and bo tries too ;).

I caught the sunset. Love how the light changes in each stage and even after it goes down. I turned around to walk home and looked up and saw a full moon!

Here is to a week were we can get outside more and all stay healthy. Happy new week.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


eaddies said...

WONDERFUL.....beautiful pics..I'm so glad you got out and had a good run.....Love you all...xxooo

Melanie said...

pretty pics! spring is around the corner!