Sunday, January 30, 2011

Christmas 2010

A couple of my favorite pics from this year, Christmas day. (in no particular order, because I don't know how to do blog formatting when there are lots of pics uploaded in the wrong way- sorry =()

We are truly blessed in so many ways. I am so thankful. Even though it is very sad to be away from my parents, sister, graham's family, and all our extended family members- we are so blessed to have each other, a warm house, yummy food, beautiful and well children, loving friends and special gifts and treats on Christmas. I felt like this....

we opened gifts, had cinnimon rolls and coffee, and then played! while the kids were napping I made a small Christmas dinner, which graham and I enjoyed together, a treat (1. to actually sit down at the table and eat a whole meal without getting up, and 2. to eat together just the two of us)

the kids trying out their new table, izzy coloring and bodie playing with the markers (read: throwing on the floor).

one of my gifts from graham, a new griddle!

izzy trying out her new mommy/baby animal set and new train

many attempts for pic with me and kids, this is the one that turned out... =)

a very happy morning with my family.

bodes favorite gift, star vibrating teether!

izzy trying on all her pjs at the same time.

and then finger paints!

found graham's candy stash from his stocking!

a few from my old camera, iz with elmo potty

bodes, new table=perfect height to pull up on!

my favorite toy gift, play cash register. =)

I'm going to post the pics opening grandparent presents in a new post. =)

Merry Christmas!

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eaddies said...

WONDERFUL...oh what darling all are so photogenic...

eaddies said...

and love the gummy bear pic IZ hahahhahah