Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bodie, 10 months!

10 month stats
28 lbs, 31 1/2 inches long
likes: crawling up the stairs, going after whatever his sister is playing with, playing with the cat food and cat water, blocks, music, flap books, standing up in the bath =)
fav. food: apples, yogurt, cheerios, noodles
sleep: naps-questionnable, night-usually up 1x
speech: mama, dada, "m" for more, "gee" for gentle (when we say gentle with petting the cats,=)) signs all done, yes- he undestands so much! (i.e.kick out game, go upstairs, no no, eat, milk, etc.)
motor: pulls up, cruising, starting to stand on his own for a bit, took one step, crawling everywhere!
- pulling socks off, can feed himself messy with spoon, drinks from straw cup, finger foods
1st juice box, =)
push toy!

ring stacker from grandma

peek a boo, bo bo

bang bang

1st Christmas
still our smiley guy!

he loves this ball toy, a favorite after bath time.
my love bug!

cutie pie, love you!

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eaddies said...

Great pics !!!!! LOVE YOU BODIE!!!!!!!! xxxx ooooo
love hugs gmaz

eaddies said...

Bodies' hair reminds me of your baby kind of stood that..hahahahhah....very cute..
actually mine did too as a baby....
My Mom said people said..what a cute little boy to me.