we are so thrilled to have "aunt mel" here for christmas and new years! she has been enjoying lots of time with izzy and has gotten some great pictures- so I thought I'd post some of my favorites from the last week. we love you mel!
it's hard to believe izzy is 5 months old already! time flies!! she has 2 teeth on the bottom and also recently started watching her hands, which is hilarious! She also likes to pull her socks off regularly and likes sitting up to play with support of her boppy. I tried to get a good pick of her looking at her hands, but it doesn't really show how she stops what she is doing and starts rotating them all with a look on intent on her face- it really is hilarious. here's a few pics of her recently that are my favorite.
we had a blast picking out our christmas tree and cutting it down! I convinced graham to go the day after thanksgiving- so we would have lots of time to enjoy it!
izzy loves the christmas tree! One day she was playing on a blanket and found her way down to to the end and under the tree. She was just looking up and laughing at the tree and then she got a branch and started wrestling with it. it was hilarious!
iz loves to look at books and i think she is already trying to turn the pages. Our friends Molly and Chris gave her this new book "Old Bear"-it's a great book and the illustrations are so pretty. She loved it right away.
iz has recently taken an interest in the cats! she follows them and tries to pet them, but really pulls their hair- poor kitties! this picture captures it all.
in her stroller on a walk...she looks so peaceful!
one day iz was playing on a blanket and started fussing, until she found herself in the mirror. It was hilarious! She would put her head down (faceplant style) into the blanket and fuss, and then look up, see herself, and smile. lol!
Iz has been chewing on her hands all the time these days...maybe she's teething?! These pics were cute and showed her with her fingers and hand in her mouth like she's been doing lately all the time!
iz got bundled up in her snowsuit thing this week because it's been so cold here- so of course had to take some pics. In the second one she looks a little peeved that I put it on her!
graham likes to brag that iz can hold her bottle already...I don't have a pic of her actually drinnking from it but these are kinda cute pics of her with her bottle.