Friday, June 4, 2010

Iz is 23 months!

Favorite books: Does a Kangaroo have a Mother Too?, Polar Polar Bear What do you Hear?, Courderoy (iz calls it "Quarter")
Favorite toys/activities: Finger Paiting "pwaiting pwaiting", Dora, playing birthday party (tea candles as cakes, wrapping up "presents" in paper with bows), coloring, putting on lotion, puffy balls, hugging/tickling her brother, being active
Favorite foods: sweets =), apple crushers, fruit snacks, bars

Cute iz'ms: "you okay mom?", calling band-aids "make you feel betters", reading stories to bodes starting saying, "once upon a time...", dancing with the dance parts on Dora laughing along (wants me to "be" boots and dance with her)

Iz continues to be independent and head strong, although is doing better at doing what is asked and behaving when needed. She is really interested in potty training and has a chart filled with stickers for times she's peed in her potty (plus one poop!) all on her own- telling me she needs to go, walking upstairs, and going on her own! She loves her brother and is very creative and playful. She loves new activities and painting is a current favorite! Bun bun is still her best pal. We love going to the park together, recently went to the park with the water sprays- and she loved it. She is also starting to answer questions and is getting better about using appropriate language during social interactions (i.e. what's your name, can i play, etc). she recently was playing with our neighbor and they were sharing with each other iz's bun bun and her elmo- taking turns with the others toy and then switching, etc.. she loves to be with other kids, and has so much energy. She is a sweet and spirited girl. She loves to play! My all time favorite when she says "izzy happy!"

Bodie is 3 months old!

check-up yesterday, June 3rd 2010, revealed that Bodes is weighing in at 17 lbs and 9 oz, and a little over 25" long!! Wowzers... that's >95%ile. Bodie was great through all the checks- despite being woken from his nap. He was happy and cooed with the Dr. when she talked to him. He didn't like the shots, of course, but was soothed very quickly with a big hug from mom. Big sister iz did great too and practiced her jumping, diapering of bun bun, coloring, naming colors, climbing on chairs, etc. while we were in the little room....and really wanted a bandaid after she saw bodie's. "Make you feel better" she calls them. Thank you nurse for the big sister band-aid too!

Dr. Jasani was happy with everything and said Bodie looked great, except for what appears to be thrush on the inside of his mouth. darn it- easily treated w/ meds, thank goodness!! "it isn't causing him to not eat?" she asked. LOL. Oh and then there was the little rash on his belly...welcome to the Ayres-Wilhelm family bodes, you are already one of us with sensitive skin!

Other than that she thought he was right on track!

He has started to be more alert for longer periods and loves to look at his mirror, listen to his little turtle toy and is beginning to shake a little rattle when you put it in his hand. He loves the light in our room, and will giggle and coo while he lays on our bed watching it. He loves to suck on his hands, and a couple times tries to suck on a toy that I've put in his hands. Iz likes to give him bun bun and he will suck on one of his ears while bun bun is on his chest. so cute! He likes to be swaddled to sleep and his soothie paci helps when he is trying to calm down too. He likes his swing (sometimes) and sits in his vibrator chair during my showers. He is sleeping through the night pretty much (usually 8-3/4) in the pack and play and then will nurse and snuggle with me the rest of the night. He is napping better and usually has atleast one long nap a day. He likes his bath and is a good sport when iz wants to hug/kiss/tickle him. He likes to go strolling and will fall asleep in his stroller, and is doing better in the car. He is a sweet boy, so easy going- and interested in the world.

We are blessed. Love you bodes!