My sweet Bodie is already 7 months old!
I wrote the updates on Bodes for this post last night, but bedtime has been challenging around here lately so I wsn't able to finish and they are this is second trial =) Bodes and I bunked up togther for the second half of the night. Him= up every few hours, kicking- making noises-gassy. Me= pleading with him to go back to sleep and cursing our tiny house without an extra bedroom, dreaming of 10 hours or uninterupted sleep. But luckily 4:30 wasn't our rising time, and he made it to quarter past 8. I often reflect that they grow up so darn fast (as I think most parents feel), but the baby years are definitely a mixed bag as far as joys and challenges, which maybe make you realize you couldn't last w/ sleep deprivation for much longer, lol- With that said we are so very blessed to have 2 happy and heathly kids. Now...back to bodes.
Now the big 7 months- Bodes definitely wants to be on the move. He is sitting and reaching for things all around him, grabbing and playing with toys-banging them together, to his mouth, and banging on things to hear the cool sounds! He is starting to transition to all 4s, and will rock on his hands and feet for a bit. It is challenging to hold that belly off the floor, but he tries! =) He will stand with his hands held, and if you are sitting next to him he tries to pull up and over your legs. He is continuing to try foods, and will hold the spoon and bring it to his mouth. His favorite still banana, but a taste of yogurt and he definitely wanted more! He is making all sorts of sounds, and loves to play peek-a-boo, and how big is bo-bo. He loves blocks, the cats, and Iz's abacus, and watching iz jump and run around -laughing outloud when she is wild and crazy. Actually he pretty much loves all toys, and non-toys including boxes, paper, keys, straws, cups, etc. He likes to swing at the park, play with leaves, and trying to pick up and eat multch also a recent fav. He is a trooper and likes to go out on our adventures and often just sleeps in the car or looks out the window or plays with his toys. He difinitely has some "fire cracker" in him though too, protesting if you put him down and he doesn't want to sleep yet, or if he doesn't want to be done eating and you don't have more on the spoon. =)
Everyday wanting to enjoy the sweet and exciting new adventures, loving his baby stages and trying to burn them into my memory. Loving the moments when he will still fall asleep in my arms and I can hear him breathing next to me. Remembering the looks of excitement when I give him a paper towel roll or ball to play with. Also feeling motivated to continue to provide him the opportunities he needs to develop and grow. And praying that the "sleeping through the night" fairies visit our house very soon! =)