Here's the kids on Christmas Eve posing for a picture with the new phone ;).
Izzy and Bodie were so excited this year for Christmas! They couldn't wait to open their one gift from aunt Mel the night before. Matching pjs! We had a great day earlier in the season out to Hanns Christmas Tree farm to pick out our tree.
The kids asked for "10 mews (cats) " this year for Christmas. I had fun finding most of these at the local thrift store and Gmaz sent some too! I hid them around the house and left a note for izzy and bodie to find this morning when they woke up, which was super fun for them and an awesome way for graham and I to get 30 extra minutes of sleep! We already decided we have to do a treasure hunt for them every year.
We relaxed by the tree after the preparations were complete. Every year I deal with mixed emotions around wanting to spoil the kids and not wanting to consume lots of stuff. I'm still working to find the balance. Our tree was so pretty and it was so nice to have graham home. So thankful.
The kids awoke at 1:30am! I worked hard to get them back to sleep after that mid night excitement ;). After the second wake up it was time to open presents! Thanks to all who sent gifts this year!
Showing off a few gifts from their sitter.
I made gluten free cinnamon rolls this year. Was excited they resembled regular ones and also tasted yummy!
We had a relaxing morning and the kids played together. We love these two!
Lots of new art materials to enjoy!
Trying out new tracks together.
It was such a nice day out and we spent some time at the park. I felt so happy and thankful for a healthy family and a fun relaxing day.
We even saw a rainbow straight up in the sky
After the park graham put a turkey on the BBQ, dinner prep, and more playing. Bodie showing off his Lego build. ;)
Cheers to Christmas!
We hope you also had a fantastic holiday and spent time with those you love.
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