Saturday, March 28, 2015


Testing to see if I can get a post to publish from my phone! Been working on one from bodie's birthday that is stuck in non-publishing post land. Hope to get it fixed soon!

We have loved the start of spring. It feels amazing to get outside more and everyone's mood has increased. We are looking forward to spring break this next week and more sunshine!

A few pics from our trip to the gym today. Enjoying some weekend time with my 2 loves.

Bo tackles the hoola hoop.

Iz scales the rope to the top!

Cutie pie before school.

Breakfast with my guy.

First road ride of the year. Don't forget to see as many sunsets as you can I often tell the kids. So beautiful.

Date ️nite!

Bestie ride.

Cool sky right?

frisbee time at the park with the fam!

2 cuties with their 2 bunnies ;-)

Happy spring!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone