Thursday, July 5, 2007

Summer bike riding

We went on a bike ride tonight to a park by the airport very close to our place. It was so nice outside and there is a great bike path through the trees from our house for miles. You can see so many monuments from the park and the plans land right over your head! It was amazing! Aside from swallowing a few bugs on the way home it was a blast.


mamanicky said...

FUNNN!! You guys have it so good! That thing about the planes sounds so cool (kinda like when Dad used to take us to the airport, KEWL!)

Unknown said...

..sounds like a wonderful bike ride...cute pic too..thankies...great blog!!!!!! xxxxooo love,maz

mamanicky said...

Hey guys, (since you tag-team on the blog-o-sphere) You've been tagged...

So, if you would kindly answer these questions, all of us readers will be knowin' that much more about ya'll.

1-If you had an extra 3 hours a day what would you spend it on?

2-What's the one thing that's changed you the most with getting hitched (don't say nothing's changed, that's a load)?

3-If you were given $10,000 and had to spend it on travel, where would you go?

4-What's your favorite restaurant? What's your favorite meal?

5-What will your life be like in 10 years?

Love you guys!