Saturday, May 12, 2012

The recent haps

Graham left for Taiwan today and we are already missing him. I'm sure the week will go fast though, and we will stay busy.

On Friday I opened Izzy's backpack to find my first school made mothers day gift.

Here it is:

I absolutely love it and started crying, lol, when I saw it. Bodie immediately grabbed for it and smeared peanut butter on it of course- haha.

We've been doing a lot of park time. Iz has been loving swinging high these days!

Graham came home early for mothers day and we went to pizza at our neighborhood place- glass nickel pizza-and we has so much fun.

Here are graham and iz showing how exciting it is waiting for he pizza to come. ;-)

Iz has been loving taking photos with my phone lately. Here are a few of my favs from olbrich.

Also been loving pretend cooking with real food...

Photo of her coffee drinks, by iz-

And bodes enjoyed this...

The last few morning runs I've been on I've seen a mommy and 7 little ducks swimming in the lake. They are so incredibly cute, I stopped both times to take pics and take video. Just too adorable. I've been really enjoying my early morning runs with the new day feel and mostly only the movements of animals. So peaceful. (a very big contrast to the rest of my day, ;-)).

Tonight we went to the community center playground and iz and I were looking for four leaf clovers. She said- mom look! and gave me a clover (3 leaf clover plus one she had picked from another clover and laid on top, lol). I busted up laughing- just too cute. I love kids. And when they are yours... some of the biggest highs in life.

Tomorrow is mothers day. Feeling very grateful for my mom and everything she's done for me/all the times she's been there for me. Also feeling very blessed to be mommy to 2 of the best kids, with such personality and humor, anyone could have asked for. Being a mom is so very demanding, but so rewarding and so worth it.

Loving my family. Love when I can step away from the stress, worry, comparisons, self- doubt and anxiety about life, doing things right for your kids, for yourself, being an adult and a parent.... and see how lucky we are to just have each other.

Our crazy, fun, loving clan.

- Posted using BlogPress from
my iPhone

Location:La Follette Ave,Madison,United States


eaddies said...

Oh what a great Mothers' day wonderful.....I love Izzys' Mothers' day gift..and Bo 'contributing' peanut butter.....Good looking coffee drinks Iz....Love the pics Iz took...great your early morning quiet running time...You live in such a beautiful place..and Izzy and Bodie are so so so darling!! Can't wait to hug you all!! xxoooo

eaddies said...

So nice of G to take you all for pizza for Mothers' day!!!!