Friday, June 8, 2012

last day of Pre-K

Today was izzy's last day of preschool at Lowell and her class had a party at the park to celebrate. She has made a few great girl friends this year- Lulu, Freya and Mya- and has really enjoyed school. Her favorite thing is still art- and comes home usually everyday with a drawing of our family. She has learned to write her name, and all of her classmates names this year. It's such a joy to see her excel in school (okay, it's only preschool, but still =))- I hope it continues for the years to come!
Here are a few pics from the morning. little iz is growin up!
all ready for school

game time
yum yum cookies

bodes favorite spot- right by the snack table

the gang

the girls- mya, freya and lulu

bodes lovin' being part of the action

iz by her locker

iz and lulu

iz and freya

madness in the hallway

last day of school hugs

Ms. Andrea- thanks for everything!


Melanie said...

Love these pics. Priceless!

eaddies said...

Fabulous sweet the girl-friends!!! A very special day...