Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Iz and I had a fabulous weekend visiting our old stomping ground in DC just before her birthday. What a special time for us girls. Here are a few pics from our trip.

Iz trying on a cheese hat at the airport in Madison.

Waiting to get on the plane! Iz was very excited!

Our tickets

Ooohhhh ....plane!

Hanging out with our good friends and old neighbors! Thanks for the great night guys. We miss you all sooooo much! Iz had remembered these flowers and looked forward to picking one!

Pool party with old friends.

Movie time. Philipe was very excited to see iz and wanted to be near her the whole night. We even had a sleepover!

The next day we got to meet baby elizabeth-and meet up with Barrie!! Iz calls her "Emily Elizabeth" and loved making her laugh.

Barrie and baby e.

We had an amazing weekend hanging our and being together. I loved meeting and spending time with Elizabeth and of course seeing Barrie again. Iz also enjoyed Baby e's toys. ;)

Iz loved riding "rodeo"

At the airport heading back to Madison. Almost missed our plane as we were waiting at the wrong gate- yikes!- luckily I realized in time and we had a smooth flight back home.

Iz I had a great time with you on our adventure. It was bittersweet seeing our old place and friends again- such great memories and people. We are blessed to have them in our lives still, if even in a small way.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

eaddies said...

Oh great..what a sweet visit with your friends.....Great to see Elizabeth..what a sweetheart..love the pic where Izzy is making her laugh...
Thanks for this posting...