Saturday, August 16, 2008

izzy's favorite sleepin' spots

Izzy is 6 weeks old! She is so cute and is smiling and making her adorable baby noises "talking" to us all the time. She is getting so big and working on making more fat roles all over her little body! She is sleeping pretty good at night (knock on wood!) but having a hard time sleeping during the day for more than 20min. at a time- so we are headed back to the pediatrician to discuss if it may be reflux related, or other things we could try, as this leads to tired izzy and tired mommy! Just wanted to share these 2 pics of her favorite places to sleep- in no particulat order . =)


Erin Jacobs said...

Oh my gosh! She is so cute! I love the baby rolls!

VickiA said...

So sweet. Izzy is a beautiful baby !! XO's Vicki