Saturday, July 24, 2010

hot hot hot

it has been so hot here! we have been keeping clothing optional (for the babies!), and we have not let it get us down- still going out to our mini pool (compliments of our neighbors) and the parks (that have shade) to keep us all from going insane. =)
bodes is still as smiley as ever. even when he wakes in the middle of the night after wetting through his outfit I will look down at his face and he is grinning from ear to ear. He is rolling more now and also loves paper. he does not love the heat, but is a trooper to let us go out and get some energy out- sitting in his stroller or haphazardly in the baby swing. he LOVES his sister, and has figured out how to pull her hair (vindication) when she tries to mess with him, lol. she loves him just as much. Pretends she hears him in the monitor during his nap so I will let her run up and play with him in his crib- oh iz. you crack me up.
a few days ago I had a "dora is on vacation" decision - so that along with our cable going down - and we have been quite happy with no tv, finding other things to keep us busy and going out on mini trips to the bookstore or indoor playroom. Izzy bought a new corduroy book with her earned pennies (for good behavior) plus some supplemental monetary help from mom and dad. A new favorite, along with Snuggle Puppy, and Mommy's best kisses.
we are preparing to go to the beach with friends in a few weeks, and are preparing by trying out our new swim gear. gotta love the built in floaties. =)
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just the 2 of us

ah memories, looking back at some old pics had to post some. still feel as happy as i look with you in these pics babe. love ya!

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer 2010 in the pool

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birthdays- 1 and 2

a reflection from last year and this year - she is so the same, and so different!

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biz is 24 months

2 years old!

likes: being active, playing with your brother, cooking, playing with other kids, swinging, bubbles, coloring, swimming, being outside, playing with water, exploring, jumping, dora, music, blocks, wearing mom's clothes (especially undies)!
new developments:
eating more variety! eggs, chicken, milk, apple, carrots, green beans, etc, although still love sweets, pancakes, apple crushers

sleeping in a big bed!
potty training

more and more talking- asking how our day is, saying-"listen, what do you hear?, train...yes!" "how about dora? ask mom first. dora?" "i don't wanna go pee pee in potty either" "see more kangaroo (saw deer running outside=))" "MOM!DAD!"

you are funny!
working on: potty training! learning the rules =), being gentle w/ your brother
books you like: harold and purple crayon, pocket for courderoy
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you are caring, loving, active, funny, smart, creative
we love you bizzy

4 months!

Bodes is 4 months old! He is changing so much, and feels like this month every day we notice something new and different.
(thank you aunt beth for the beautiful quilt)

He found his feet! and loves to look at them and try to determine just what they are?!

He also has rolled from his back to his tummy and his tummy to his back! His favorite toy is a toy bar from the exersaucer, and his sister! She makes him laugh and I always know I have a few extra minutes to finish dinner, etc. when she is entertaining him. He had a period of time where he was waking up so many times at night to eat, but the last few days he has slept through (8ish-5ish) and we are so happy! =) Some days he cat naps (30 min here or there) and others he will really nap (2-3 hours). He is still eating very well (obviously) and does very well in the stroller and the car. He is starting to grab things and bring them to his mouth and reach up to get toys while on his playmat or his chair. The other day we were out at Baja Fresh and he was on my lap and reached forward and pulled the plate off the table. I was wowed that he could do that, which helped because I had rice and beans all over! He loves to be swaddled still when he sleeps, and is all smiles most of the time. He started making raspberry noises and blowing bubbles, and is also a yeller.

He is very patient, and puts up with alot of hugs (and harassment) by iz. but boy does she love him too
We love you bodes! you bring us so much happiness

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Dad pics

pictures say it all...

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Bounce U!

We went to Bounce U to celebrate izzy's birthday, and she had a blast. She loved going down the big slide by herself which I was so impressed by-and graham and I loved the bouncing too!

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Iz!

Iz turned 2 years old today! We had a fun filled day. Iz opened presents in the morning (although prefered to play with the balloons) and had chocolate chip pancakes. yummy! Then she played in her new sand box, and tried out her new bike, colored, played with her puffy balls, etc. etc. We had some mommy and iz time at the park and then went to get lunch at the smoothie shop together. While iz took a nap I finished up her cake. Then we headed to Bounce U. It was so much fun. Iz was fearless and loved to bounce and slide (pics to come). After bouncing we went to McDonalds for chicken nuggets and french fries (a biz favorite). Then at home we had cake and ice cream and watched Dora before bed. I got to tuck iz in bed and we spent some more girl time reading books (Old Bear, Barnyard Dance, Pocket for Courderoy) and giggled and laughed together. I'm so proud of the girl you are biz, thanks for all the fun times and amazing memories. I love you with all my heart! I can't wait for the years to come.

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