Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Iz!

Iz turned 2 years old today! We had a fun filled day. Iz opened presents in the morning (although prefered to play with the balloons) and had chocolate chip pancakes. yummy! Then she played in her new sand box, and tried out her new bike, colored, played with her puffy balls, etc. etc. We had some mommy and iz time at the park and then went to get lunch at the smoothie shop together. While iz took a nap I finished up her cake. Then we headed to Bounce U. It was so much fun. Iz was fearless and loved to bounce and slide (pics to come). After bouncing we went to McDonalds for chicken nuggets and french fries (a biz favorite). Then at home we had cake and ice cream and watched Dora before bed. I got to tuck iz in bed and we spent some more girl time reading books (Old Bear, Barnyard Dance, Pocket for Courderoy) and giggled and laughed together. I'm so proud of the girl you are biz, thanks for all the fun times and amazing memories. I love you with all my heart! I can't wait for the years to come.

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eaddies said...

OH WHAT A DARLING CAKE.......OH IZZY you are so cute..what a fun fun fun busy happy day..I can't wait to see all your presents..and your big smile.Lovelove,love,Gmaz xxooo

Melanie said...

wow, great cake! Love the decorations. happy 2nd birthday Iz! Miss you guys!