Sunday, July 11, 2010

4 months!

Bodes is 4 months old! He is changing so much, and feels like this month every day we notice something new and different.
(thank you aunt beth for the beautiful quilt)

He found his feet! and loves to look at them and try to determine just what they are?!

He also has rolled from his back to his tummy and his tummy to his back! His favorite toy is a toy bar from the exersaucer, and his sister! She makes him laugh and I always know I have a few extra minutes to finish dinner, etc. when she is entertaining him. He had a period of time where he was waking up so many times at night to eat, but the last few days he has slept through (8ish-5ish) and we are so happy! =) Some days he cat naps (30 min here or there) and others he will really nap (2-3 hours). He is still eating very well (obviously) and does very well in the stroller and the car. He is starting to grab things and bring them to his mouth and reach up to get toys while on his playmat or his chair. The other day we were out at Baja Fresh and he was on my lap and reached forward and pulled the plate off the table. I was wowed that he could do that, which helped because I had rice and beans all over! He loves to be swaddled still when he sleeps, and is all smiles most of the time. He started making raspberry noises and blowing bubbles, and is also a yeller.

He is very patient, and puts up with alot of hugs (and harassment) by iz. but boy does she love him too
We love you bodes! you bring us so much happiness

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