Somedays I wish I could go back to this day...

July 4, 2008
And tell myself to give her one more hug, take a deep breath and be patient, don't worry about doing the "right thing", how much she is sleeping, etc etc, and just get to know her, love her, cherish her.
I also miss this-

And this-

The days/years go so fast.
Tonight I laid down with iz to give her a back scratch and to tell her the story of when she was born, our usual routine, and after i decided to just forget about everything I "should" be doing and instead just stay for an extra few minutes enjoying being next to her- just she and I. She closed her eyes and went off to dreamland, and it felt so good knowing that me, just me being there was such a comfort for her,
And I thought for a minute, I wanna go back to this -

And do things better,
And tell myself that it will be so hard, but just love her, kiss her and snuggle as much as you can, but when she had other ideas it doesn't mean you are a bad mom or doing something wrong. Try to stay patient, take breaks, ask for help, be kind to yourself, be confident, steady in your gut feelings, it's ok to cry when it is hard but don't let it last, or you will miss the good stuff.
So I was laying there thinking about this, and wondering why after a long hard day, when both a baby and cat pooped on the floor, 2 year old ate nothing but milk ( w/choc), bread, and a fruit leather, the kids fought over every toy, you changed 5 poopy diapers, and said plenty of things a little too loud and too mean, ... I look back at the day and think "why did I feel so overwhelmed, why couldn't I have been that cool mom today that plans arts and crafts with a theme that relates to the season, that implements calm steady time outs that are effective, and makes homemade meals toddlers can't resist( or atleast something with hidden veggies):) ", and then I think- heck somedays I am pretty good, but no one can be 100% right? So I thought blogging would help, my diary and reflection, to enjoy the good times, learn from the days where u feel crazy, bad parenting day happens doesn't = bad parent) and that kids are humans too - with their own personalities, needs, preferences, opinions, from day 1! Enjoy and love them for who they are , validate for yourself that heck, parenting is hard work, and take time for an extra hug, an extra minute to watch them sleep, acceptance of the way things are.
Ok that's out there , and it does feel better, :) and now I'll remind myself to read this post after/during my next bad day,:) ....
Because It goes way too fast, and it changes so quickly!

Love u biz

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