Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Getting our Tree!

One of my favorite traditions.... going to get our Christmas tree from the tree farm!
We had a blast this year and the kids had a great time, despite frigid WI weather.
A few pictures from our day, complete with some light festive snow fall. =)

on the way!

iz biz has arrived

love these people

a man and his saw

they loved playing in the giant hay stack, it was much warmer in the tunnels than outside i think!

dang that's a good one for the christmas card g

thank you nice people for taking our picture 

going out to get the tree!

i love tractor rides with these 2...can you tell?

trees just their size!

thar she is

popcorn and cider...yes please

hi iz. 

santa and mrs claus!

what do you want for christmas? "a truck!"

unwrapping the tree

Our beautiful tree!
Kids loved helping decorate and talk about all the different ornaments.

Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Awesome. Love the last pic!