I'm currently working on training for a mini-marathon coming up in May and thought it would be fun to post after my long runs on the weekends. A friend from work told me her husband (who runs marathons) encourages people who are getting into running keep a "running diary" to stay motivated and create a memory of the training experience. So...here's my first entry....
I started running more regularly during the second week of January this year after feeling the urge to set an exercise goal and to increase motivation for daily workouts. This weekend I was slated to run 9 miles.
I set out midmorning and ran the 1/2 mile from our house to the trail head that runs through the open spaces of Westminster. There were many people out and about today and I found myself feel a surge of energy every time I saw another woman run by- and a special connection to the ones who were looking somewhat as famished as I. After one wrong turn on the trail around mile 2 I managed to find myself back on the main stretch and enjoyed the sunshine and breeze- until I turned corners and found myself running directly into the wind which slowed my pace ....was I still running? did a walker just pass me? Around mile 5 I started to enter the negative mind space of "What the heck was I thinking wanting to train for a running race?" and challenged myself to stay positive and say my mantra "strong and steady" in order to stay out of thinking about how tired my legs were and how hot my face was feeling. After the half way point I turned around and the excitement of being 'on the way home' leg of the run was a boost...for a bit. At mile 7.5 I began wondering if I was going to make it and wished I had brought some food for energy as my pace was slowing. Mile 8 came and I decided to walk for a few minutes to get some energy for the last push and reminded myself that there was no shame in walking! I picked up the pace again after a few minutes and made it home. Yeah! I think running past the city park and seeing the sparkling water in the pond and feeling a part of the 'running community' when seeing other runners, were my favorite parts of the run today. My challenge for the next long run will be staying in the positive mental space and remind myself to just keep on truckin'.
congrats on your training shell! it's awesome that you are going for it. wish i could be there to run with you. right now i'm in boston. i just got back from dinner in the north end of boston - we had some awesome italian food - yum. hope you have a good weekend! keep up the good runnin'!!
wow...this is so amazing....good for you...glad you got the belt .....much better on the next run...yes I would have liked those black and white birds.....the kitties and I....they love!!! birds..love,maz
Pats on your back!! What an awesome run...8 miles that is an accomplishment. Keep it up.
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