Here is my 26 week belly! Izzy is really moving around this week and I can feel her more regularly and more distinctly. During work the other day I felt something jab me in the side...hello leg or arm! Everything is going well so far- aside from the little aches and pains- but the time is moving so fast. Everyone asks me about cravings...mine has been grapefruit especially-and any fruit in general! Of course I was born with a sweet tooth so ice cream pretty much always sounds good too- but I don't think that's pregnancy related. =) Graham says I'm definitely "nesting". I worked a little on Izzy's room this weekend-but as the saying goes it is looking worse before (hopefully) it looks better so I'll wait to post some pics until it is more organized and cleaned up.
I'm excited for spring! The trees in our neighborhood are starting to bloom and it's fun to see the first signs of the changing seasons. I can't wait to go see the infamous cherry blossoms-now that we are in DC! That's it for now.
Shell out-(as my dad would say in his penny walk write ups)
Good going Graham !!!! OMG, Shell, what's this about Izzy..You do realize this will be with her forever !!! What about Shell,Belle, Mel ????? Silly , huh ? You can call her anything you please, even "Bean bag". It's none of my business ! Just be happy. Happy Easter you all...a friend of your mom's , Vicki Atz
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