Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy Birthday mama!

Each year on December 3rd I think about my mom more than usual, because its her birthday!

This is exactly how I remember times with my mom.

Endless hours of her drawing pictures on our blackboard, laughing, playing, singing, reading, soothing, encouraging...

Thank you mom. I realize more and more (especially since having kids, and now staying home) the hard work and total sacrifice. I realize the necessary breaks of phone calls to friends and naps on the couch. And the importance of little things- like making me glitter pictures to put on the wall next to my bed, and sitting with me at bedtime when my tummy hurt just calming me by being there.

Thank you mom. I love you so much. You are amazing and have so much spirit and beauty. Your giving heart has touched me so many days and I hope my kids have as many good memories of me with them as I have with you. I've always felt unconditional love from you and I'm so lucky to have you as my mom.

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

eaddies said...

DEAR SWEETIE!!!! THANK YOU so much!!!!!! What a dear write-up..and I loved the great card....!!!!!! AND MY FAVORITE candies!!! HAHAHA..What a great gift!!!! THANKS so much....Thinking of you all this sunny day..hope the sun is shining for you..
LOVE LOVE LOVE HUGS,xxxxoooo Maz..xxxoooo