Tuesday, July 29, 2008

our little firecraker is 10 lbs!

Izzy is almost 4 weeks old! I can't believe it- time flies! She is doing very well gaining weight and is keeping u s on our toes for sure! She is more alert and making her cute little noises all the time. She loves to be held and to sleep on us! We love when she has her smiling reflex- it's so cute and I can't wait for her first smile. She has been fussy the last few weeks so I have been trying a crazy elimination diet and we are working on building our library of calming techniques to use- along with our stress reducing techniques- to try to figure out what may be going on for her. It's so hard not being able to calm her down right away- and makes you realize having a baby is hard work! Not to mention she has a major case of baby acne! Ugh I hate it!! I can't wait for her perfect little baby skin to back...hopefully soon!!

Her aunt mel and uncle chris were here for a visit, and it was so nice to have them here- thanks for everything you two! They filled her bookshelves full of books, held her when I wanted to take a shower, and dried my tears when I was upset because she was crying. Oh and made delicious food too!! I wish we lived closer- love you!


Melanie said...

yay! we had such a great visit. thanks so much for putting up with having us at your house while you are transitioning to life with izzy. we miss you guys already! love you all!

VickiA said...

What cute pic's ! Well Issy aren't you lucky to have such a dear Aunt! AWW don't cry MOM, Issy's learning too ! You will learn things together!!Love to the 3 of you, XO's Vicki...4 weeks, WOW!!!

eaddies said...

sweet pics,sweet 'write up'...sweet sisters,luv,maz

Erin Jacobs said...

She's adorable as always! Hope things get better soon! And don't worry, the baby acne does go away eventually! Cassidy had it pretty bad at that age!