Tuesday, July 1, 2008

41 weeks!

Today I am 41 weeks pregnant! I chickened out of taking the caster oil this week, so we'll see what happens in the next few days. I have my doctor appointment tomorrow morning at 9am....I'm feeling a little anxious about what she is going to say....and if I'll be leaving the office without going up to labor and delivery?! I hope so! Izzy has been so active the past few days....maybe exploring around inside for the last few times....I'm hoping anyway!

I've also included the progression of my pregnant belly slide show for your viewing pleasure! Here's to hoping this is the last week of being preggos!

Progression of a pregnant belly


eaddies said...

..smiling all the time..I love this slide show!!!! ...luv,maz

VickiA said...

WOW ! Now that was entertainment !HAHAHA!!! Will we get to watch the reversal as well ?? Just kidding! Maz looks pretty cute too, look at her running to catch Elvis !!Ok Shell, you're down for the count now...I am thinking of you !!! Come on Issy ! Love, Vicki

Erin Jacobs said...

Your belly is so darn cute! Can't wait to hear how the appointment goes today! Here's to hoping Izzy makes her appearance soon and without having to be forced out!

VickiA said...

Way to go Shell ! Welcome Issy !!! You are a beautiful dolly !!! I hope you have a wonderful life little Issy !!love, Vicki